The Wuhan virus 🦠


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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Gun and ammo sales are back to Normal over here in the West
Got the approval letter back for my new toy a cpl of weeks ago
already put a pack of rounds thru it testing it out
and with the red dot sights it's fuckin deadly

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Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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Nice mate, how often do they check ya gun safe?
Hi mate we just need to fill out a form & take pics of the gunsafe and the bolts used to secure it then
have a witness sign the form and send it back thats it unless I change address or something
And nah they don't mail guns or ammo over here I had to go thru a licensed dealer to get it once the application was approved
This is my 6th Firearm purchase so far ..... When I move out to the Outback I'll be getting a few more probs


Forum Pisshead
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My neighbor was out roo shooting last night he runs beefies, he fuckin cracks it when Roos are eating his pastures out lol. His a shifty old flog, probably why I like him.


Forum Pisshead
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No Anzac Day, but cunts could protest at blm rally what a crock of shit, stage 3 what a joke that is, can goto bunnings and buy shit I don’t need and mix with heaps of people there. Should of done a hard lock down for a month and then we would of been on our way out of this shit, going to keep on going in cycles now, going to inflict way more pain on the economy, what a pack of fucking retards even a blind fuck could of figured it out.


Forum Pisshead
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Aka a bad smell that lingers in the air for extended periods of time, or a fluffy weed grower. U can pick fluff


Forum Pisshead
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What are they talking about no Anzac day next year already??
Ive missed one i aint missing 2 because of the fucking Chinese government rat cunts.

Nah I’m still pissed that all them dc’s protested legally but we couldn’t get pissed and play two up on Anzac Day.
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