the fact of whether they can fight well or not was not my point.
but a Large armed force fights better than a small unarmed population.and we only have a small albeit good fighting force.
our main defences could be wiped out in a day.
do I think it will happen ? Nah probably not ..
thought I read two US carriers were heading to the China sea ,,well see what becomes of that.
shit was bad enough in the Middle East before carona come along ,now It’s more complicated.
i think the only thing I’d put my money on is that things will get worse.
wouldn’t be surprised to see China back off with its tail between its legs against the US.
China knows its defence systems are shit,,,
also looks like they might have too much on too many plates to deal with soon,,
I don’t have any problems with people’s race or religion The people are just victims of who pull the strings.
dont like seeing any innocent victims of war either but part of me wants to see China hit hard ,,Fucking HARD.