The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Deleted member cpr

I still believe cant prove it but i think it was something engerined in China. The Govt is crook, like a mafia, the people cant speak out or they dissappear, QLD is opening borders expect increases in this wuhan virus
Lol was probably engineered in the USA to cull those without medical insurance, and anyone else that threatens the "leaders of the free world"
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Lol was probably engineered in the USA to cull those without medical insurance, and anyone else that threatens the "leaders of the free world"
lol maybe so Donald doesnt seem to concerned with all the deaths , i think my brother read that US and Australia scientists were working with China and maybe it was an accident it got out

Deleted member DC01

Its from China, accidental release from the "lets make some shit that will kill stnuc" medical research facility in Wuhan
once they realised what they had, they did there best to fuck the rest of us over, especially the Divided States of Americant

WAR is coming, better get ya arse ready for reaming, you northern Aussie stnuc, by the ching chongs or the USA helping us out
either way you are fucked🤣🤣🤣

We all good here in little Beijing hey (y) :poop:


The man your mother warned you about.
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dont know how to put more than one link to a post so will do separate posts

while a lot of attention is aimed at the Wuhan laboratory ,,other laboratory mishaps have gone unnoticed.

last year in Russia.

they make out it’s all safe but what else are they gonna say ,,it’s a military installation after all.

you trust the Russians ?

Also last year in America there was a leak at fort Derrick germ laboratories,,initially they said it was only water from a sterilistation cooling system That escaped.
But again ,,,it’s a military installation ,,,you trust the Yanks ?.

cool got me two links in.

on a side note ,,you can imagine how much Isis would love to get their hands on what those facilities hold.

Deleted member cpr

I was told long ago, by someone much smarter than me, that if you suspect foul play then theres a 95% chance that you are wrong. People are bloody quick to blame others during a crisis and folks love propaganda.

I suspect that this virus is all very natural, why not?


The man your mother warned you about.
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Incidentally,,,,,if you remember the anthrax mail getting around the US twenty years ago ,,the guy they suspected of doing it worked at the same Fort Derrick laboratories.

only takes one loony with a plan to fuck us all up.

Deleted member cpr

Incidentally,,,,,if you remember the anthrax mail getting around the US twenty years ago ,,the guy they suspected of doing it worked at the same Fort Derrick laboratories.

only takes one loony with a plan to fuck us all up.
Good point!

Deleted member DC01

I was told long ago, by someone much smarter than me, that if you suspect foul play then theres a 95% chance that you are wrong. People are bloody quick to blame others during a crisis and folks love propaganda.

I suspect that this virus is all very natural, why not?
Because its got 4 strands of the HIV virus in it, to make it stick in ya lungs better, FFS keep up, told stnuc that and proved it months ago


Forum Pisshead
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It’s the ultimate weapon biological warfare, just need the vaccine for your own race and then the world is yours, easy way to take over.

Deleted member cpr

Because its got 4 strands of the HIV virus in it, to make it stick in ya lungs better, FFS keep up, told stnuc that and proved it months ago
Well then, damn you gay, goog gene splicing terrorists. I'm sold lol


Forum Pisshead
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Other problem we have here is no cunts got a gun, so if we get invaded we all sitting ducks, it will be like starlingrad, when the bloke in front of you gets shot pick up the rifle and fire lol.
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