The Wuhan virus 🦠


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Been stealing western engineering blueprints since the dawn of time. The Chinese have. 7e17f9ff-7c6b-4eb2-b40b-ddff4b6b83c8.jpeg

Here is an example of a chinese humvee. The Ro - Ro.

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Yeah a good mates mother spent about 2 months in hospital and nearly died of sepsis of the bowel from her 2nd covid shot.


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Anyone know whats goin on with Covid?

seems to have disappeared along with climate change..

no more daily updates..

no more death tallies..

no more protests..

seems the war in Ukraine has cured us all!

It's running amok up this way still (Wide Bay), quite a bit of it getting around. But the symptoms are fairly mild in general. Don't hear of any hospitalisations, though a lingering cough seems to be the worst extent of it.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Anyone know whats goin on with Covid?

seems to have disappeared along with climate change..

no more daily updates..

no more death tallies..

no more protests..

seems the war in Ukraine has cured us all!
Hard to keep up that level of bs for ever!
There's more important shit to lie about right now!✌😨


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True, mate. But fuck em.. Like many others here, our only criminal activity these days is growing a bit of personal for various reasons. So if that makes us out to be bad cunts. They can go fuck themselves..

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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It's still around, and reported via NSW Health every day. Infection numbers are increasing quickly(again) during the last week. World War Three is just taking the headlines for a while

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Mcgowan the little dicktator.
Thinks he's God.
Managed to put half of Australia 2 years behind in covid shitshow.
Havnt seen my grandkids for nearly 3 yrs because of that fuckwit!
He will meet a similar end to Gladys hopefully.✌


HPS turncoat
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Over it...
Feel good as gold!

Took another test this morning, still positive. Lol.

Still gotta isolate from the fam but!

Mrs Dotts is sick of bringing me beers n food already lol.

Gonna ba a long 7 days......for her lol.
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