The Wuhan virus 🦠


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People who are in pain and over tired tend to react in ways that they wouldn't under normal circumstances.
I've been there..done that and had first hand experience.

I don't harbour you any ill will because I know you're not at your best atm.

Speedy recovery.

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Mate just repost it , let others make their own opinions instead of trying to be little me with your rubbish

Any normal person would have a similar reactions to those kinds of statement

Instead of trying to make me the bad guy here or just a bit off is a insult to my intelligence

Instead you delete your post completely

At least have the guts to back your statements and the conviction in your opinions to have a debate about them you coward

Red Eye Hero

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Re post it , see what others think, you got no balls
lol shit what happened and gaul stone fuck that I had mine removed after six times going to hospital for it The last trip they were gonna send me back home but I had better ideas I went straight down to the cafe and bought five potato cakes and made an attack happened so they would do the surgery gaul stone attacks are supposed to be the closest pain to childbirth if not worse it’s fucking intense hopefully you can get yours removed


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You're not wrong

Made an outrageous rant and when called out to explain or at least support their rubbish they deleted it and then tried to insult my intelligence

Don't feel sorry ppl who aren't prepared to help themselves and hide from their statements

Just a very angry person who ain't got the courage to repost it because everyone will see them for what they really are , a coward who justifies their anger by critising everything except themselves


HPS turncoat
Community Member
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Hey mic, get well soon mate!

You'd had some fuckin trouble with ya health n the vax!

All that shit and you got it anyway!

Ya shoulda taken ya boat out when eva ya wanted! 😀

Ya reckon ya would have had it worse without the vaccine, even with the troubles ya had?


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Hey mic, get well soon mate!

You'd had some fuckin trouble with ya health n the vax!

All that shit and you got it anyway!

Ya shoulda taken ya boat out when eva ya wanted! 😀

Ya reckon ya would have had it worse without the vaccine, even with the troubles ya had?
Fucked if I know mate , thanks for the kind words

That's what I said to Sedge , he thought it was sugar


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Well I got the fucking virus , 7th day in bed today

In addition had a gaul stone attack on day 2 , it hasn't been pleasant

No sore throat or loss of smell but 7 days of hot and cold sweats , panadol helps for a couple of hrs

Sick in guts , couldn't eat etc etc

A lot worse than any flu I've had

Fucking vaccination, I just don't understand , isn't a vaccination to stop getting it in 1st place , then I need another " booster " jab to remind the vaccine to work , what it's been on the cones and forgetting why it's there ?

Anyway I've been doing a bit of reading and stumbled onto this

I think it's very similar to the critical mass thesis , get enough ppl to think the same way to make changes to society in a nut shell

Therapeutic totalitarianism

Dreher’s central thesis: that inhabitants of Western countries are seeing the development of a new soft totalitarianism. Under this dispensation, interpersonal freedoms — those related to sexual expression and sexual self-definition, to the actualisation of a Self created by an individual for themselves — are sacrosanct, whereas old-fashioned concrete liberties of speech and thought and assembly and debate, are up for grabs. This is Philip Rieff’s “triumph of the therapeutic”, where the state will protect us from disapproval, challenge and criticism — even if that requires the destruction of proper freedoms.

This has far reaching consequences

In Victoria a 12 yr girl was recommended by their teacher that they undergo psychiatric evaluation for gender identity

It went up the line and to cut a long story short the court decision was that the girl could decide for herself if she wanted to under go sex changing surgery etc

The father wasn't allowed to talk about it as he certainly didn't want this for his daughter , but had no say in his own child's well being , in fact he was stopping her " being herself "

For fucks sake she wasn't even old enough to decide her own bed time but she could decide to under extreme surgery and psychological modification

The theory is can be the vaccination model , protection of self

The ramifications are unbelievable

Something else to think about Political identification

That's not whether you are labour or liberal

It means things like , it's not the individual who is condemned for their crimes rather his race or religion, ie

When a white policeman kills a black person

Its not him that is held responsible rather all the white people are responsible, so all the people who rioted were justified for the actions and not held responsible for their crimes in very basic terms

We do it now , changing names of parks example

Nigger field in QLD, deemed disrespectful of all black ppl
In fact was a tribute to a great aboriginal figure in that area , there was never a problem untill the woke society woke the fuck up

Whether our history is right or wrong isn't the point , it can be fixed according to woke , just change the name , how many things you reckon will change , Blacktown?

So Now there can be no black ppl , no white ppl etc , this in itself causes division in society

One might think quite the reverse though wouldn't it bring society to evolve into a more aware state

Well that's not quite how it works

In fact it creates more divisions in society, the creation of black ppl movement when white ppl who had never committed a act of racism had to take a knee with the black brothers otherwise they would be condemned for not doing it

Political identification

If you read through this, 1st if well done , 2nd I'd l9ve to hear your comments
Lucky your a tuff old cunt mate!!
Hope ya get better soon mate.
Yeah mate the world has definitely changed in the last 2 years.
Not for the better either.


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In my 55 years on this fucking Planet I have been close to death so many times its not funny.
I have Skydived out of Aircraft over 530 times so that's should paint at least one corner of the Picture.

Only 2 times in those 55 years I have actually felt like I was going to die. Once was when I was 27 years old an contracted Malaria while working in PNG and the other was when I was around 14 years old with the Flu.
The Flu was actually worse than the Malaria!

If that version of the Flu our Family had on that winter skiing trip all those years ago now was out and about now it would make Delta look like a fucking sniffle.

Point is this COVID bullshit is nothing more than a nasty version of the seasonal Flu and its been with us for at least the last 160,000 fucking years! and we have never made a successful Vaccine for ANY virus ever. Not for the FLU, SARs, MERS, EBOLA, Rabies. You name it we never fixed it and never will...37 years on still nothing for HIV.

There are 2 good reasons to lie and propel this COVID lie.

1. The Ponzi FIAT Financial system is most definitely on its last legs, and you need either a War or Natural Disaster to justify increasing the Money Supply. You see now they have milked the Flu Scam past its used by date and so they have clearly now resorted to War (Russia/Ukraine). War talk always but always causes Oil and Energy Prices to skyrocket. This in turn fuels the Inflation problem even more and thus gives all the Central Banks around the World yet another reason to intervene.
This is all 100% necessary and the kind of extremes needed to keep our Global Financial System from imploding.

2. Beta Testing Population control for for coming 2024 Magnetic Pole Reversion. The Mid Atlantic Shelf divides our Planets dipole Bar Magnet. Magnetic North has sped up twice this last year. From 6.5 KM per month to now 9.1 KM per month, or more than twice as fast as NASA will tell you.
At current speed our Planet will technically have a Magnetic Pole Reversion in April 2024. We have lost 35% of our Planets Field Strength in the last 20 years, and if those Cunts lied about the Speed of the Pole Movement, you really think the data of the Intensity is correct!
Absolute fucking best case scenario is this is Climate Change, buts that's not the problematic part.
This is a Biblical type event and unless the current Law of Physics and the Universe get thrown out the Window when a Rotating Dipole changes Magnetic Polarity it must in turn change it's direction of rotation. The only thing holding the Crust to the liquid Mantle is magnetism which in turn causes the molten layer to take on elastic property's. Keep in mind the Ocean at the Equator is moving a speed of about 1,600 km per hour. Any continents in that water tend to get washed rather badly on the western side when the Magnetic Field Intensisty drops below 10% and the crust is now unlocked and declerating at ? speed.
There is a good reason why there is sand so far inland on the west coast. They dont call em Sand Groupers for nothing in WA, but no-one ever thinks twice about why or how.
This is a well documented cyclical event with very specific detail but it's kept at the most highly guarded place on the Planet. I bet none of you have any clue where it is. I'll give you a clue, it's the smallest country in the World and the Books within stretch for over 53 Miles of shelves
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Not so fast. It was an error.

Nine Network apologises for ‘error’ suggesting Queen may have used ivermectin to treat Covid
The Nine Network has apologised after mistakenly suggesting the Queen was using the drug ivermectin after contracting Covid.

The error had already been boosted by anti-vax and anti-lockdown groups that support the use of ivermectin to treat Covid despite it being labelled “ineffective” by Australia’s chief medical officer.

TV program A Current Affair (ACA) broadcast a segment on Monday night about the Queen’s Covid diagnosis. The segment featured Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, a Victorian GP and former Australian Medical Association boss, who has been at the forefront of the Covid response, including spearheading testing and vaccination clinics in Melbourne’s west.

As Haikerwal discussed how drug treatments could benefit elderly Covid patients, vision showed stock images of vials of sotrovimab, an intravenous monoclonal antibody treatment used for high-risk cases. The footage then switched to a medication box with a label reading “stromectol, containing 3mg ivermectin”.

Haikerwal told Guardian Australia he did not mention any specific treatments in his interview with ACA and expressly ruled out recommending ivermectin for Covid patients.

“Ivermectin never even came into the conversation,” Haikerwal said. “I said there are medications available for people who are vulnerable … I didn’t even name them, but it was obviously sotrovimab.

“It certainly wouldn’t be ivermectin. I wouldn’t recommend it.”

A Nine spokesperson said the shot of stromectol “shouldn’t have been included” and was the “result of human error”.

“We did not intend to suggest Dr Mukesh Hawikerwal endorsed ‘stromectol’,” the spokesperson said on Tuesday.

“We’ve apologised to him this morning and he has accepted that apology. We do not suggest the Queen is using ivermectin.”


The man your mother warned you about.
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If they say ivermectin is no good ,,,then it must be good..
just like they say about cannabis.

They also say that it’s only for animals ,,False.
it’s been used on people for long time…
animals as well but msm tried making it look like bad animal medicine.

if it’s only for animals why would the dose be as “directed by the physician “ A physician is not a vet,,
All the medicine we get our pets clearly says “ for animal use only”
So this pic Pikey put up is for human use.

don’t believe the propaganda !
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