The Wuhan virus 🦠


Sultan Of Soil
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When I googled it it said it takes a small biopsy. Is this what you guys are talking about??
No it just means push the small amount of air out of the needle before stabbing it in.
no not quite , aspiration is not removing air from the needle
they push the needle into your mussel then b4 injecting they pull back on the plunger to see if they've hit a blood vessel
if they are in a vessel they'll see blood in the needle , the nurse should pull the needle out just a tad to get it out of the vessel then
inject the contents so you are not getting the vaccine intravenously which can cause all sorts of issues in some people
in studies with mice , all mice died from heart problems like myocarditis when these vaccines were administered intravenously
a sign you've had the jab intravenously is a fairly instant metallic taste in your mouth very quickly after the jab
it is a small risk of entering a vessel when given the jab into your mussel but just a quick check by pulling the plunger back &
checking for blood the risk becomes zero

This is the most scientific explanation from an actual expert I have seen, to date, on the subject of Covid-19 and Covid-19 vaccination.

Australian Professor Robert Clancy (retired) explains how Covid-19 infects and how vaccine's act, the body's response, their efficacy and the future.

Very informative and unbiased (other than by science) worth the watch if you are interested in understanding the virus without all the bullshit from both sides of the debate argument name calling ;)

the youtube channel that vid comes from is a medical educator Dr John Campbell
he has been very vocal about the need for needle aspiration & doesn't understand why
they aren't doing this because he has trained nurses to do this for around 20 years i think
i enjoy his vids

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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I just got over covid. It was a real fucker and during the last 4-6 days had a constant pain where my heart is.

All good now but fuck it took my breath away... Around day 5-6 after a runny nose, stinging eyes and slight sore throat I thought i was at the end of it thinking "nice" and tried to go out bush twice and both times it felt was like I was made of lead. The second time was worse and I overdid it. Got home and called the ambo thinking I was truly fucked as had an acute athsma type attack but was just an exacerbation of the cunt. They came and dis some checks said i was ok except for a high pulse rate. The lung fuck in all lasted around 5-6 days. Took it easy from then on and a week later I been back out bush and I''m ok again less 5kg's.

Fuck covid and fuck the LIberals.
Glad you're on the upswing. Yeah, the fatigue symptom is frequently overlooked. My (positive) daughter is still fatigued 2 weeks on. Neighbour and a mate both have fatigue about a month after. Doctor advised them fatigue ( from COvid) could last a few months.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Lucky for me my kids old and ugly enough to make their own decision on that kind of thing and have their own offspring to worry about.i have my own opinion on vacinating the
grandkids with that stuff.
But that doesn't really matter cause their not mine.
Very interesting topic that's for sure. ✌


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Well I got the fucking virus , 7th day in bed today

In addition had a gaul stone attack on day 2 , it hasn't been pleasant

No sore throat or loss of smell but 7 days of hot and cold sweats , panadol helps for a couple of hrs

Sick in guts , couldn't eat etc etc

A lot worse than any flu I've had

Fucking vaccination, I just don't understand , isn't a vaccination to stop getting it in 1st place , then I need another " booster " jab to remind the vaccine to work , what it's been on the cones and forgetting why it's there ?

Anyway I've been doing a bit of reading and stumbled onto this

I think it's very similar to the critical mass thesis , get enough ppl to think the same way to make changes to society in a nut shell

Therapeutic totalitarianism

Dreher’s central thesis: that inhabitants of Western countries are seeing the development of a new soft totalitarianism. Under this dispensation, interpersonal freedoms — those related to sexual expression and sexual self-definition, to the actualisation of a Self created by an individual for themselves — are sacrosanct, whereas old-fashioned concrete liberties of speech and thought and assembly and debate, are up for grabs. This is Philip Rieff’s “triumph of the therapeutic”, where the state will protect us from disapproval, challenge and criticism — even if that requires the destruction of proper freedoms.

This has far reaching consequences

In Victoria a 12 yr girl was recommended by their teacher that they undergo psychiatric evaluation for gender identity

It went up the line and to cut a long story short the court decision was that the girl could decide for herself if she wanted to under go sex changing surgery etc

The father wasn't allowed to talk about it as he certainly didn't want this for his daughter , but had no say in his own child's well being , in fact he was stopping her " being herself "

For fucks sake she wasn't even old enough to decide her own bed time but she could decide to under extreme surgery and psychological modification

The theory is can be the vaccination model , protection of self

The ramifications are unbelievable

Something else to think about Political identification

That's not whether you are labour or liberal

It means things like , it's not the individual who is condemned for their crimes rather his race or religion, ie

When a white policeman kills a black person

Its not him that is held responsible rather all the white people are responsible, so all the people who rioted were justified for the actions and not held responsible for their crimes in very basic terms

We do it now , changing names of parks example

Nigger field in QLD, deemed disrespectful of all black ppl
In fact was a tribute to a great aboriginal figure in that area , there was never a problem untill the woke society woke the fuck up

Whether our history is right or wrong isn't the point , it can be fixed according to woke , just change the name , how many things you reckon will change , Blacktown?

So Now there can be no black ppl , no white ppl etc , this in itself causes division in society

One might think quite the reverse though wouldn't it bring society to evolve into a more aware state

Well that's not quite how it works

In fact it creates more divisions in society, the creation of black ppl movement when white ppl who had never committed a act of racism had to take a knee with the black brothers otherwise they would be condemned for not doing it

Political identification

If you read through this, 1st if well done , 2nd I'd l9ve to hear your comments

Aye Shroomer

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Yeah wow mate. I hope you start feeling better soon.

In regards to your essay. I certainly see your point. Political correctness has been going from one extreme to the next.

I am totally for people’s choice of gender identity but having reassignment surgery at such a young age is just too far. Is the idea that puberty hasn’t developed too much so there’s less to change ??
If my daughter turns to me and says she wants to be a man then I will support her. But I will not put her thru major surgery. If she wants that then once she’s 18 she can do it. Growing up is hard enough without altering your physical and mental self.

And renaming for the sake of fitting in is idiotic.
So in the NFL. The Washington redskins have been called the Washington football team for the last couple of seasons.
Yet the Kansas City chiefs are still allowed to be.
And Cleveland Indians now guardians
But Atlanta Braves still allowed.

If someone of a particular Nationality/religion/gender/culture whatever has legitimate reasons for being against something. So be it. If they feel prejudiced against it then yeah make a discussion about it. But if it’s just a bunch of suits that want to look like they are modernist and making a difference when no difference is needed then it’s just too much.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Hope you're on the mend soon Micmac. Gall stones are amongst the most painful inflictions. On top of COvid, it sux.


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I'm sorry green I just don't understand this , isn't contradictory in itself

I have stayed home a lot because I'm hard headed not stupid

So you won't get a vaccination that could prolong life, albeit by 3rd party because you simply you , quote you again

If the gov wants me to do something my first and last response is NO.and then..fuck off and die.

This is exactly what i spoke about in wuhan thread , the projection of self above everything else , simply because it suits you not to comply

Does this mean that if you see a stop sign somewhere you don't like you will disregard it , regardless of the effect on others from your actions ?

Or any other law ?

And this
I haven't signed in once.
I haven't been tested once.
I haven't worn a mask once

Again fuck everybody else ?

So what if you had covid with no symptoms but passed onto some else who got really sick or they inadvertently passed onto their sick grandmother who died because of the complications of fighting 1 thing then getting covid and dying ?

Fuck it you say , looks like it was deleted , sorry mate too late

I read it and as you can see I wasn't very impressed

If smoking oil makes it easy too just forget your responsibility to other humans you shouldn't smoke it

Others would say that it might give them a different respective but not that shit !


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Mate , you obviously were embarrassed by your statements or they were deleted for you


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