The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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I'm probably wrong but seems to me politics no matter where it is attracts certain types of people and in my opinion that vast majority of those people don't give a rat's about anyone else.their just there to line their bank account and play the charade.
Let's face it politicians don't control much anymore .we all know who does.
Their masters direct the puppets.🫣🫤


Sultan Of Soil
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in general i think your correct , in America just look at Nancy Pelosi & the shady way her & her husband seem to have accumulated there wealth , Barack Obama & his wealth , do i need to mention Biden , his son & what appears to be his whole family that all needed to be pardoned , it's a very long line of shady dealings & revolving doors in all governments including ours

i'm not sure you can say the same thing about Trump though , he is already wealthy & waived his salary the first go round , not sure if he did the same this go round but i think the " we all know who does " as @Mellow oldfark put it have gone hard at trying to keep him out of office cause it appears he won't play by there rules , well at least that's what it looks like from where i stand

but generally governments produce nothing they only distribute there peoples taxes or countries wealth , how they do it or what they do with it & if they do it well enough can be hotly debated but unlike cops & nursers pollies don't seem to have any issues in the increase our wages department

Johnny Walker

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possibly but shouldn't we judge the thing that effects us , the policies
he's no personal friend of mine so don't care about his personality , can he do the job is the question
it appears the majority of Americans think he can , cause they voted him into power 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Be interesting to see how his policies play out.
I can't see anything he's said doing much to help ordinary Americans.

I've seen stuff that says Elon is about to be awarded some very large defence and space contracts but that's not because he donated $118 million to trumps campaign.


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Be interesting to see how his policies play out.
I can't see anything he's said doing much to help ordinary Americans.

I've seen stuff that says Elon is about to be awarded some very large defence and space contracts but that's not because he donated $118 million to trumps campaign.
Hmm..... Can anyone else get the acrid stench of nepotism here??
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