let’s say Trump is a narcissist—how does that change anything? What does calling him that actually accomplish in terms of understanding his policies, decisions, or leadership style? Genuinely curious, because this seems to focus on who he is rather than what he’s done....
I keep seeing the same cycle within these arguments. Why does anyone who questions this automatically become a target? You don’t have to support Trump to ask for better arguments than 'he’s a narcissist.' Dismissing people like that doesn’t prove your point—it just makes it look weak. I mean if we're completely honest narcissism is a spectrum much like any personality disorder and when applied with such a broad brush much of society will fit into most personality disorders in one way or another..
At the start of COVID I said that they ( the powers that be)
Are trying to divide everybody,,and they have done a remarkable job of it ,,first with hatred and ostracization of the unvaxxed ,,
Then this woke shit got bigger and if you don’t go along with that your susceptible to being ostracized and generally hated by the woke camp,,no pun intended,
Same has been going on about the climate ,,if you don’t agree then all sort of verbal attacks are made toward you..
Now of course it’s with the political changes in the US,,
Most people just go along with the majority like sheep and are too scared to question anything for fear of falling out of favour ,,which shows how week minded most people are ,,and the last five years are proof of that.
Those that attack the thinkers and questioners are probably the most narcissistic of all,,because of course the finger pointers are right and those who question them must be not only be wrong but dispicable people that deserve the wrath of the main flock..
It shows how much hatred people have and are willing to show it ,
,,but not in normal times ,
,they show their colours when they have backup from the rest of the flock,,coz without that they are weak,,and with it they show their weakness even more,,
Strength in numbers sort of thing..
when it goes bad for them as we are now seeing they use their only weapons left ,,,words full of emotional venom,,and constant lies to make their enemy sound bad and boost their own failing twisted sense of reality..
That’s why we see them jumping on the slightest thing,, like their enemy raising an arm while in the throws of exuberance of a political win ,,whilst ignoring that their own idols have done exactly the same.
Truth hurts ,,that’s why they lie and point the finger and use emotional words cos that’s the only ammunition they have left .
So truth is bad and bad is good ,,,etc
Critical thinking is no longer admired ,,but now a reason to attack the black sheep ,,while the wolves that divide to conquer
are the only winners.