The Random Discussion / Argument Thread


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i ask this question as nor a supporter or non supporter of Trump

how do you see that ?
what evidence do you see to provoke what seems to be a deep felt hatred for a person
that you would feel the need to attack the possible opinion opposite to that of your own
I'm guessing you haven't had much exposure to Narcissists & understand the way(s) they operate.

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correct i haven't
what have you seen that he has done that makes him a narcissists
I've taken this from another source & have culled a lot of irrelevant "advice" from the original article that's not appropriate to this discussion:

Uncertainty in the world provides a ripe opportunity for narcissists — people who have a grandiose conception of themselves, are self-obsessed, and crave authority and control — to emerge as leaders. Narcissists are great at accumulating power and influence and their confidence and charisma create the illusion of them being the best person for the job when predictability is low.

Given this, it’s not surprising that narcissistic leaders can be found in multiple positions of authority throughout organizations. Not only does this fulfil their desire for power but also gives them the opportunity they seek to show off, and validate that they are at the centre of the universe.

While narcissistic leaders can be productive and accomplished, over time, their need for continual admiration, acting in their own interest and putting the needs and interests of others at risk can destroy productivity, group morale, and organizational culture.

Who’s most susceptible to narcissistic leaders?​

If you’re someone who is always looking out for others, empathizes with others, and seeks harmony and consensus in your team (known as agreeable followers), you are more likely to be susceptible to following a narcissistic leader. Agreeable followers avoid confrontation and do not openly challenge the opinions of others, especially confident, assertive leaders. Narcissistic leaders come across as strong decision-makers, so they are perceived as assertive and even inspirational, and agreeable followers are drawn to that confidence.

Who is less susceptible to narcissistic leaders?

If you’re someone who is creative, curious, and always trying to discover new ways of working, you’re less likely to be susceptible to narcissistic leaders. These types of followers are more likely to feel stifled and restricted by the narcissistic leader’s tendency to increase their followers’ dependency over time. As a consequence, such followers tend to express less commitment to their organization or teams overall, and so they are less likely to passively accept the interpersonal exploitive nature of narcissistic leaders.

If you’re someone who is conscientious and disciplined, you’re also less likely to be susceptible to narcissistic leaders. Such followers tend to trust their inner voice and are sufficiently disciplined enough in accomplishing their tasks that they simply don’t need an overbearing and arrogant leader to provide them with direction.

Following a narcissistic leader can have some advantages, but also comes with a lot of downsides. For example, they’re skilled orators, one of the qualities that makes them so charismatic. But narcissists are emotionally isolated and highly distrustful. They like to surround themselves with followers who affirm their own self-esteem. Narcissistic bosses aim to retain their followers by offering salary increases and more frequent promotions. However, over time, the true nature of narcissistic leaders emerges. This includes hostile and abusive communication with followers, unethical behaviour, and coercion to engage in unethical behaviours, as well as the creation of less collaborative organizational cultures.

Now that you have gained awareness about what makes narcissistic leaders tick and who is drawn to them, you will know what to watch out for and can use it to your advantage.

Narcissistic leaders are primarily focused on themselves, their career, their promotion opportunities, etc. But if they see you as someone who can help them achieve their goals, they are likely to want to keep you close.​

I hope this helps you understand in some small way.

When (I genuinely hope it's NEVER, but you WILL) you encounter one of these foul, despicable creatures, that you can recognise them for what they are & get out of the situation with your sanity intact.


Sultan Of Soil
User ID
I've taken this from another source & have culled a lot of irrelevant "advice" from the original article that's not appropriate to this discussion:

Uncertainty in the world provides a ripe opportunity for narcissists — people who have a grandiose conception of themselves, are self-obsessed, and crave authority and control — to emerge as leaders. Narcissists are great at accumulating power and influence and their confidence and charisma create the illusion of them being the best person for the job when predictability is low.

Given this, it’s not surprising that narcissistic leaders can be found in multiple positions of authority throughout organizations. Not only does this fulfil their desire for power but also gives them the opportunity they seek to show off, and validate that they are at the centre of the universe.

While narcissistic leaders can be productive and accomplished, over time, their need for continual admiration, acting in their own interest and putting the needs and interests of others at risk can destroy productivity, group morale, and organizational culture.

Who’s most susceptible to narcissistic leaders?​

If you’re someone who is always looking out for others, empathizes with others, and seeks harmony and consensus in your team (known as agreeable followers), you are more likely to be susceptible to following a narcissistic leader. Agreeable followers avoid confrontation and do not openly challenge the opinions of others, especially confident, assertive leaders. Narcissistic leaders come across as strong decision-makers, so they are perceived as assertive and even inspirational, and agreeable followers are drawn to that confidence.

Who is less susceptible to narcissistic leaders?

If you’re someone who is creative, curious, and always trying to discover new ways of working, you’re less likely to be susceptible to narcissistic leaders. These types of followers are more likely to feel stifled and restricted by the narcissistic leader’s tendency to increase their followers’ dependency over time. As a consequence, such followers tend to express less commitment to their organization or teams overall, and so they are less likely to passively accept the interpersonal exploitive nature of narcissistic leaders.

If you’re someone who is conscientious and disciplined, you’re also less likely to be susceptible to narcissistic leaders. Such followers tend to trust their inner voice and are sufficiently disciplined enough in accomplishing their tasks that they simply don’t need an overbearing and arrogant leader to provide them with direction.

Following a narcissistic leader can have some advantages, but also comes with a lot of downsides. For example, they’re skilled orators, one of the qualities that makes them so charismatic. But narcissists are emotionally isolated and highly distrustful. They like to surround themselves with followers who affirm their own self-esteem. Narcissistic bosses aim to retain their followers by offering salary increases and more frequent promotions. However, over time, the true nature of narcissistic leaders emerges. This includes hostile and abusive communication with followers, unethical behaviour, and coercion to engage in unethical behaviours, as well as the creation of less collaborative organizational cultures.

Now that you have gained awareness about what makes narcissistic leaders tick and who is drawn to them, you will know what to watch out for and can use it to your advantage.

Narcissistic leaders are primarily focused on themselves, their career, their promotion opportunities, etc. But if they see you as someone who can help them achieve their goals, they are likely to want to keep you close.​

I hope this helps you understand in some small way.

When (I genuinely hope it's NEVER, but you WILL) you encounter one of these foul, despicable creatures, that you can recognise them for what they are & get out of the situation with your sanity intact.
thanks for the info @Rabbitlicker
do you have any real world trump examples i can marry to this info

Johnny Walker

User ID
he's currently a politician
my opinion would be more based around policy
Personally it's his environmental policies that I think will do the most damage. You know "drill baby drill"
I can list the environmental damage his policies may do but just with drawing from the Paris climate accord shows he has no care for the environmental at all.


User ID
thanks for the info @Rabbitlicker
do you have any real world trump examples i can marry to this info
You didn't read that in any detail, did you?

Yes, there are a swathe of examples of exactly this MO when it comes to Trump.

To quote the Latin: "Sapere Aude".

Literally translated, it means "Dare to know", but is generally interpreted as "Learn for yourself".

EDIT: Trump isn't a politician, he's a Showman. A famous quote from Abraham Lincoln:

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”​

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let’s say Trump is a narcissist—how does that change anything? What does calling him that actually accomplish in terms of understanding his policies, decisions, or leadership style? Genuinely curious, because this seems to focus on who he is rather than what he’s done....

I keep seeing the same cycle within these arguments. Why does anyone who questions this automatically become a target? You don’t have to support Trump to ask for better arguments than 'he’s a narcissist.' Dismissing people like that doesn’t prove your point—it just makes it look weak. I mean if we're completely honest narcissism is a spectrum much like any personality disorder and when applied with such a broad brush much of society will fit into most personality disorders in one way or another...


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Have you seen the new Trump trading cards ?😂
You mean the Crypto-Currencies (the other one with Malenia's name on it?).

Yeah, they're both tanking, but it wouldn't surprise me if they made their $'s & then bailed-out after a short rally, leaving the rest to pick up the pieces (unless they decided to short them.........).

Aye Shroomer

User ID
You mean the Crypto-Currencies (the other one with Malenia's name on it?).

Yeah, they're both tanking, but it wouldn't surprise me if they made their $'s & then bailed-out after a short rally, leaving the rest to pick up the pieces (unless they decided to short them.........).
You can buy digital trading cards just like basketball ones.
All with pictures of Donny boy. And if you buy the set you get an actual physical card with a piece of is suit in it. $7500 I think. I can’t remember.
Honestly the personal branding is brilliant.


The man your mother warned you about.
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let’s say Trump is a narcissist—how does that change anything? What does calling him that actually accomplish in terms of understanding his policies, decisions, or leadership style? Genuinely curious, because this seems to focus on who he is rather than what he’s done....

I keep seeing the same cycle within these arguments. Why does anyone who questions this automatically become a target? You don’t have to support Trump to ask for better arguments than 'he’s a narcissist.' Dismissing people like that doesn’t prove your point—it just makes it look weak. I mean if we're completely honest narcissism is a spectrum much like any personality disorder and when applied with such a broad brush much of society will fit into most personality disorders in one way or another..

At the start of COVID I said that they ( the powers that be)
Are trying to divide everybody,,and they have done a remarkable job of it ,,first with hatred and ostracization of the unvaxxed ,,
Then this woke shit got bigger and if you don’t go along with that your susceptible to being ostracized and generally hated by the woke camp,,no pun intended,
Same has been going on about the climate ,,if you don’t agree then all sort of verbal attacks are made toward you..
Now of course it’s with the political changes in the US,,
Most people just go along with the majority like sheep and are too scared to question anything for fear of falling out of favour ,,which shows how week minded most people are ,,and the last five years are proof of that.
Those that attack the thinkers and questioners are probably the most narcissistic of all,,because of course the finger pointers are right and those who question them must be not only be wrong but dispicable people that deserve the wrath of the main flock..
It shows how much hatred people have and are willing to show it ,
,,but not in normal times ,
,they show their colours when they have backup from the rest of the flock,,coz without that they are weak,,and with it they show their weakness even more,,
Strength in numbers sort of thing..
when it goes bad for them as we are now seeing they use their only weapons left ,,,words full of emotional venom,,and constant lies to make their enemy sound bad and boost their own failing twisted sense of reality..
That’s why we see them jumping on the slightest thing,, like their enemy raising an arm while in the throws of exuberance of a political win ,,whilst ignoring that their own idols have done exactly the same.

Truth hurts ,,that’s why they lie and point the finger and use emotional words cos that’s the only ammunition they have left .

So truth is bad and bad is good ,,,etc
Critical thinking is no longer admired ,,but now a reason to attack the black sheep ,,while the wolves that divide to conquer
are the only winners.


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let’s say Trump is a narcissist—how does that change anything?
POTUS is seen as the leader of the free world. Unfortunately, this man has no intention of improving that, unless it suits him, lines his own pocket (& those of his supporters) & increases his celebrity, whilst leaving the planet as a toilet - "Drill, baby, drill".
What does calling him that actually accomplish in terms of understanding his policies, decisions, or leadership style? Genuinely curious, because this seems to focus on who he is rather than what he’s done....
It goes to understanding what is to come in the next 4 years. Look at his last Presidency & what he actually achieved as a "Leader". Improved his golf game whilst millions of Americans died during the Pandemic on HIS watch?
You don’t have to support Trump to ask for better arguments than 'he’s a narcissist.' Dismissing people like that doesn’t prove your point—it just makes it look weak.
I'm not trying for any better argument & quite frankly, don't need to. The facts & history of his previous Presidency speak for themselves for anyone who is capable of thinking for themselves.

My indictment of him stands, whether I "label" him as a Narcissist or simply the worst POTUS in my own living memory.

I mean if we're completely honest narcissism is a spectrum much like any personality disorder and when applied with such a broad brush much of society will fit into most personality disorders in one way or another...
Trump will never submit himself to formal diagnosis by a professional according to the DSM IV.


User ID
You can buy digital trading cards just like basketball ones.
All with pictures of Donny boy. And if you buy the set you get an actual physical card with a piece of is suit in it. $7500 I think. I can’t remember.
Honestly the personal branding is brilliant.
Ooer! Is it possible to get a lock of his hair?

I mean the REAL stuff, not what's in his toupe.
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Sultan Of Soil
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" The Surest Indication of Sanity Is The Ability To Change Your Mind "
Freud's Last Session

Personally it's his environmental policies that I think will do the most damage. You know "drill baby drill"
I can list the environmental damage his policies may do but just with drawing from the Paris climate accord shows he has no care for the environmental at all.
I'm afraid I'm not on the climate change train so getting out of the accord is a positive move for his country imo

"Learn for yourself".
yeah that's what i thought
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