The Random Discussion / Argument Thread


The Dwarf Hermie King
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It's just a business in the US of A much like Dr Greenthumbs or OGS here (I think that's where they got the idea :unsure:) that sells amendments and Coots style mixes. He's found a market in cannabis growers and has branched out to having a youtube channel to show how to use his products.

He also has a discord server that requires payment to access, which is what Bigflog claimed to be a mod of. I've sent them some screenshots of Bigflogs claims that he is associated with them and a few of his lovely posts here on the forum. See what comes of it 🤷‍♂️.

Here's his youtube channel, it's actually not bad ->

View attachment 42401
Fuck your onto it cunt!! 🤣
I found the page with what looked to be a forum and it had Bigfoot and his mate Voxson both on the side panel as members. I couldn’t find it yesterday when I looked but.
Yeah I'm sure the bloke in the videos wouldn't be to happy to have a mod from his site posting multiple pics of mutilated bodies! 🤔

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I don't know where you got that information on vets
Studies show anywhere between 40 to 80% of vets on MC lower their intake of pharmaceutical drugs
This might help
You can get it for free if you're a veteran
I know this for a fact to be true


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So sex changes are covered by Medicare? I always thought it had to go thru private, news to me
They're thinking about it :rolleyes: about free dental first, then I'm more than happy for my taxes to contribute to lobbing your dick off!



The Dwarf Hermie King
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They're thinking about it :rolleyes: about free dental first, then I'm more than happy for my taxes to contribute to lobbing your dick off!

I think he needs one sewn on!! 😉

Sun Ra

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Issue 257 - 8th December 2023

Have your say on Alan Jones.​

Dear Reader,
Like all media outlets in Australia, we understand that our job is not to stay neutral and just report the facts when a high profile man is accused of a crime. Instead, our job is to platform a bunch of his supporters.
Here is what many had to say following the explosive allegations against Alan Jones that were published in the Sydney Morning Herald this week:
“We simply had no way of knowing that the former teacher who wrote love letters to his students might act inappropriately at work. But we are willing to help anyone hurt by what happened now that it’s public knowledge.”
- 2GB HR department
“What day is it? Where am I? I don’t know what’s going on but I of course stand by Alan.”
- John Howard, former Prime Minister.
“This man is a good friend of mine and leader in the Catholic Church, I believe he is of the highest character… oh wait shit, wrong one.”
- Tony Abbott, Onion aficionado
“He has never done anything to me specifically, so I don’t know how anyone could believe he did it to men he had power over.”
- Peta Credlin, former Prime Minister
If you talk about the allegations against me, I will [redacted] you into silence.”
-[Redacted], self-declared ‘freedom of speech absolutist’
“I can’t picture Alan Jones doing anything inappropriate at work.”
- Chris Smith, guy who was fired from Sky News for groping co-workers.
“He is a hero of mine and I will stand with him like he stood by us.”
- Dave Klansman, Cronulla Rioter
“Yes, I am happy to go on his show whenever.”
- Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister.
“It’s weird having people think I am on the right side of history for once”
- Ray Hadley
“I can’t wait to represent him in any future defamation hearings”
- Christian Porter, defamation expert
“No, you cannot publish [redacted]”
- Our Lawyers.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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They're thinking about it :rolleyes: about free dental first, then I'm more than happy for my taxes to contribute to lobbing your dick off!

So Max is male or female? I don’t get it. 😂


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It's much easier to understand if you get the words "boy" and "girl" mixed up.
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