The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

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In many ways, I do actually GET what Trump is trying to do for/with America.

The trouble is that his methodology for achieving it is completely fucked & it's going to backfire on him sooner or later.

The last time it backfired on him was in the 2020 elections & his own fragile ego couldn't handle the fact that HE HIMSELF was FIRED from his high-profile job. To the tune of 82M voters.

Narcissists just can't handle rejection or understand that they're not as absolutely fucking magnificent as they like to tell everyone they are. It's a facade that they need to create to boulster their own underlying lack of self-confidence. They need constant reassurance from OTHERS.

Again, this is going to backfire on a man that doesn't TRULY believe in himself.

Again, I believe that this man is unfit for the office of POTUS.
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