The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Do you know where this is sourced from?
As it's misleading at best.
Possibly false at worst.

Diaper made the media announcement he was cutting off all USA satellite intelligence to Ukraine. I believe that news clip may be in this thread somewhere.

This USA satellite withdrawal was also confirmed by Zelensky. Subsequently the European Union started looking at a replacement for Starlink in Ukraine, due to USAs announcement. I think a French military communication option to replace Starlink was proposed.

The day after the 18 children died, Diaper backtracked in an attempt to cover his tracks.

The statement above is disingenuous.
While the Starlink black box may ( or may not) have been turned off, the intelligence obtained from it was definitely withheld from Ukraine. Either way, the outcome was sadly the same.

Weasel words from Musk AFTER his business was attacked and Tesla shares tanked
Musk now backtracking trying to save his business.

Did you see Musks subsequent announcement where he asked Diaper to apply punitive sanctions on Ukraine, in order to force them to sign the mineral agreement? Not sanction Russia.....but sanctions on Ukraine. 🤮Again thats all in this thread.

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Random discussion thread here, right?

What was your first ever live gig?

Mine was in March 1981 at the West Runton Pavillion on the North Norfolk coast in the UK & I'd just turned 16. It was in the the days before noise restrictions.

Something of a baptism of fire:

It was the first venue on the "No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith" tour, but the sound quality wasn't good enough to make it onto the album.

My ears were ringing for days afterwards & I always wore earplugs at gigs after that, not that it was the loudest band I ever saw live. That would be a toss-up between Girlschool, Slade or Hawkwind (all at the same venue).

The last ever live concert at West Runton Pavillion before it was demolished was Motorhead.

They cranked-up everything so loud, that they blew the local power sub-station.:D
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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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JD Vance says " Musk has taken things too far" No shit, Sherlock.

The Musk experiment was a failure. No fraud has been found. Judges are winding back all his unconstitutional attacks. All the experiment has done is further alienate the conspiracy theorists. They're so delusional they still think Musk found something 🤣🤣

Majority of American people now despise him. Many want to physically attack him.

I've got an idea.....pick another fucken whackjob conspiracy theory. Anything. Like oh I don't know..." Biden stole all of the gold from Fort Knox" Then live televise Musks reaction as the vault is open. Further expose him for the fool he really is.

The Trumpers love their flat earth along with any new tin foil hat wearing trend. Anything to take attention away from what's really going on. It's smoke and mirrors . Diversions from the truth.

Where's propaganda Barbie today? Nothing speaks truth in 2025 like her brain numbingly stupid appearances. You can tell she is lying....her lips are moving.
She's still staring at the writing on the orange juice container .... because it said concentrate.

Diaper. fElon. Thankful. Propaganda Barbie. Heroin loving RFK. What a winning team 👏
What could possibly go wrong with these spastics in charge? Is it GREAT yet?

Aside from a few of the extremist dei cuts and men/ women in sport segregation, I can't see a single domestic or international policy they haven't totally fucked up yet? Can you?

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Diaper isn't the peace maker he wants you to believe he is.

He's also threatened to invade Greenland. And he still wants to take over Canada.
And don't forget his threats to Gaza

Looks like another loony warmonger, based on those actions

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Diaper did this


Look carefully at what HE wrote on Truth Social about the European Union.
Re - inventing his alternative reality of history. The correct term is PROPAGANDA.

Keep pumping them tariffs out Diaper. As long as Propaganda Barbie can keep spinning a positive tariff narrative to MAGA, and they keep falling for it, you still have a base of morons left to die for you.


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through in the fuckin ndis rort/rorts and the amount of public sector workers that are doing sweet fuck all and we are fucked, people forget that public sector workers dont reallyyy contribute to the fuckin economy
Ahhh the Kool-Aid is strong in this one.
Yeah like they don’t shop or spend.
Fucking police, ambos, nurses, firies, the list goes on. Leaches on society.
Sorry Benjamin but you crack me up.
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