The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

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Ahhh the Kool-Aid is strong in this one.
Yeah like they don’t shop or spend.
Fucking police, ambos, nurses, firies, the list goes on. Leaches on society.
Sorry Benjamin but you crack me up.
im really not in the mood to explain it to you, im not for consultants, fuck no and i'm for the ndis, but the rorts fark
public workers add value to society yes, and im not for axing them, some areas of the country would be desolute without public workers and the money they then pump back into said economy, only to be then taxed again with taxpayers money, its an interesting effect it has on the economy on all scales from micro to macro, ive probably explained it badly in my first post but whatevs
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Sun Ra

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Random discussion thread here, right?

What was your first ever live gig?

Mine was in March 1981 at the West Runton Pavillion on the North Norfolk coast in the UK & I'd just turned 16. It was in the the days before noise restrictions.

Something of a baptism of fire:

It was the first venue on the "No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith" tour, but the sound quality wasn't good enough to make it onto the album.

My ears were ringing for days afterwards & I always wore earplugs at gigs after that, not that it was the loudest band I ever saw live. That would be a toss-up between Girlschool, Slade or Hawkwind (all at the same venue).

The last ever live concert at West Runton Pavillion before it was demolished was Motorhead.

They cranked-up everything so loud, that they blew the local power sub-station.:D
Mine - The Rolling Stones Saturday 17 February, 1973 afternoon show. I was 12 years old.

I went with a friend and his older brother.


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Fair enough Benno
The only public servant that bludges is our pollies.
Excise free booze, top shelf and hatted cafeteria.
Pretty much if you know the rorts you never have to spend your wages.
Remember Hockey’s wife had a house in Canberra. Joe and a couple of his party members claim living away from home allowance and pay her mortgage, including Joe the hubby.
The NSW ALP are revealing their travel rorts abuse currently.

Anyway it’s not like your tax share reduces with public service cuts. We’ve got subs to pay for that we’ll never see in our life times, while 40 year mortgages become the norm.

It’ll be last person standing soon. It’s fucking nuts.


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There are public servants in certain areas that are paid a pittance for their contribution and others that are paid well over the odds for what they do, we are lucky in australia that we have massive exports that for the time being are going gangbusters and they are what have been called "heavy-lifters in the economy" by the coalition, which is good because that means we can support a public service the size of what we have, after all public servants do stimulate the economy from the bottom bit like redistribution of wealth, so they are essential in more ways than one, buutt if for some reason we get fucked and our "heavy-lifters" can't continue to support our economy then raising taxes on a popultion (even industry) that has a certain size that pulls its income from tax-payer funded means then we'll fizzle out eventually, we do have a lot of capital we could chew through before anything catastrophic happens, like superannuation, maybe housing if the market doesn't go to shit once our quality of life starts to slip and we become a less desireable place to live. The effects would probably take a long time to eventuate and with wealth inequality and more wealth every year being hidden away and squandered from the tax office it means eventually something will have to give, wether the government intervenes with one of many measures or by some feat we manage to restructure our economy away from those heavy lifters (which albo is trying to do with the build a better future fund or something, as well as WA on the state level as they are a heavily realiant on mining and can see this eventuallity playing out) any other situation that places some burden on weak parts of our economy will reveal this.
I guess what I'm saying is we can only have so many public-funded jobs before it turns to shit, they need to be carefully evaluated that we are getting value for money, both top end and bottom end including expenditure on whatever, office supplies to supports for kids with autism. There's some people in my area that are well known who work government funded jobs that do fuck all, or more accuratley, the absolute minimum. Not to be confused with people who don't always have a constant workload.
We certainly cannot fuckin afford consultants that squander away the money their paid from taxation
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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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through in the fuckin ndis rort/rorts and the amount of public sector workers that are doing sweet fuck all and we are fucked, people forget that public sector workers dont reallyyy contribute to the fuckin economy
SES - only critical staff. Mainly volunteers
Marine Rescue - only critical staff. Many volunteers
Rescue helicopters and staff
Doctors ( public hospital)
Cooks in hospitals
Cleaners of all public amenities and buildings
Maintenance staff of public amenities
Gardeners ( public amenities)
Electricians ( public anenities)
Concretors( public amenities)
Carpenters( public amenities)
Metalworking ( public amenities)
School teachers
School admin staff
University staff
Air Force
Border Control - yeah fair enough. Fuck them off. We don't need them seed thieves 🤣🤣
Park rangers
Social security staff - especially the ones that provide my daughters Disability Pension. Some of them pay us or our parents Old Age Pension.
Tax office staff - see Border Control 🤣Immigration staff
Special Forces
Veterans Affairs
Hearing Services
Birth Certificates
Post office
I.T. staff/programmers
Judicial staff ( judges, lawyers, admin). And the people that pay our daily allowance if called up for jury duty)
Jury duty
Garbage collection.

Not including the hundreds of thousands of volunteers who support public services every single day in order to keep the country running

Yeah. Nah.
Aside from Politicians, most of these workers contribute plenty to society.

I approve of cutting waste.
But which services do you want to see cut?


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SES - only critical staff. Mainly volunteers
Marine Rescue - only critical staff. Many volunteers
Rescue helicopters and staff
Doctors ( public hospital)
Cooks in hospitals
Cleaners of all public amenities and buildings
Maintenance staff of public amenities
Gardeners ( public amenities)
Electricians ( public anenities)
Concretors( public amenities)
Carpenters( public amenities)
Metalworking ( public amenities)
School teachers
School admin staff
University staff
Air Force
Border Control - yeah fair enough. Fuck them off. We don't need them seed thieves 🤣🤣
Park rangers
Social security staff - especially the ones that provide my daughters Disability Pension. Some of them pay us or our parents Old Age Pension.
Tax office staff - see Border Control 🤣Immigration staff
Special Forces
Veterans Affairs
Hearing Services
Birth Certificates
Post office
I.T. staff/programmers
Judicial staff ( judges, lawyers, admin). And the people that pay our daily allowance if called up for jury duty)
Jury duty
Garbage collection.

Not including the hundreds of thousands of volunteers who support public services every single day in order to keep the country running

Yeah. Nah.
Aside from Politicians, most of these workers contribute plenty to society.

I approve of cutting waste.
But which services do you want to see cut?
just completely ignored my explanation?
we are sitting pretty fuckin good at the moment
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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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just completely ignored my explanation?
we are sitting pretty fuckin good at the moment
I saw your reply after I had written out most of my message. It was alreasy too detailed to delete 🤣

There's some lazy private sector workers too.
It's just human nature
Employer wants max value from worker
Worker wants max salary from employers.
They sometimes meet in the middle.

Some workers should be sacked
Some employers shouldn't ever operate a business that requires any workers.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Poland and Germany are now seriously looking at options for nuclear weapons

Should Australia now be looking at our own nuclear weapons? ( I.e. separate to the AUKUS nuclear submarine plan)

Makes for a very compelling argument

Sun Ra

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Poland and Germany are now seriously looking at options for nuclear weapons

Should Australia now be looking at our own nuclear weapons? ( I.e. separate to the AUKUS nuclear submarine plan)

Makes for a very compelling argument
Ukraine has gone into parts of Russia in recent times. Russia has nuclear weapons.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Ukraine has gone into parts of Russia in recent times. Russia has nuclear weapons.
Sure. But it's really a pushback to the invasion in Ukraine. Backed into a corner they either fight back or perish.
Ukraine isn't invading Russia.

Trust in allegiances( military, economic and social) have been widely eroded since 20 Jan.

A complete rethink of strategic alliances and military deterrence capabilities is now in our best interest.


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Send in the drones.
It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Since when did you become a military & international strategist, quoting age-old motivationals?

Said by someone who has never faced the potential invasion of their own country & is currently geographically immune from it.

Nice quotational & inspirational rhetoric, BTW.

They're currently residing in Washington or Maralago....
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