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afghan bob

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Well I hooked up with a yank on another forum sent me 26 different strains 20 seeds of each enough to do me a long while well they been stuck in Melbourne for a week and just says waiting for clearance is this the old kuntstoms il be Fkn spewing had some real good ol school strains in there cunts🤬 how long till I just give up on em?
Did he say whether any sorta stealth or did he bung em all in an envelope
Sometimes they can sit around at depot 4 a while but not good after 10 days or so

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What’s the difference 10 - 400 same same😂 I get what ya sayin but still they only seeds I knew Europe seed banks are hard as fk these days I used to order off bonza back in the day no stealth nothing in scam bags straight in an envelope 😂👍
It's the same from most American banks these days , no stealth at all, balls out , breeders packs and nothing else!


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What’s the difference 10 - 400 same same😂 I get what ya sayin but still they only seeds I knew Europe seed banks are hard as fk these days I used to order off bonza back in the day no stealth nothing in scam bags straight in an envelope 😂👍
Yeh I just figured 400 easier to spot then 10.

Yeh I missed the bonza boat I had a mate long time that ordered from there and he had some banging smoko.
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