Random pics of weed

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Love to grow

Foot man
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Well the 3 I have left seem to be dodging along just fine I’m actually lovin the structure of the c99 x Mango that’s the first pic then a group shot alien gorilla is a short stumpy plant n the gorilla x crack bit mag starved n getting tip burned let the medium dry out to much only got my daughter to water twice when I was in QLD so she didn’t have to go in all the time 👍IMG_6201.jpegIMG_6204.jpeg

Love to grow

Foot man
User ID
I ran a couple of those bubble gum x bangis, like yours strong hubba bubba but with a hint of fermented baby shit 🤣
Who ferments baby shit😂😂😂 I’ve got my daughter and my 6 month old grandson living here atm I can’t handle the shit no more I’ve done my time now it’s bub has shit off to your room double wrap that shit straight into wheelie bin spray your room etc😂
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