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Love to grow

Foot man
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Now down to 3 they lookin a bit banged up as had to re arrange em get em out from under the net the reposition em sprayed the side of tent with herm down with water done what I could just sux man fkn new hermi king right here look out @Porky im comin for ya😂IMG_6184.jpegIMG_6185.jpegIMG_6183.jpeg
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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Mango Thai (real seed co) X Thai landrace/Thai Ryder (world of seeds) manifesting as Laughing Hyenas Mango Stick auto. 26 days in. Nice structure considering the lack of topping or training.
Kneekos Pineapple Express/AK-47 X Peachy CBD autos. Two-three days behind. Hoping for some nice 2:1 or 3:1 phenos and looking forward to making some gummies out of these.
Bottom one jettisoned it's root ball onto the floor when transplanting hence the stunt. The last to move into pre flower.
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