

The Dwarf Hermie King
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In no particular order, yes, they can wipe each other out Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis and IRGC.
Maybe you should visit a Holocaust museum ? and see what a real genocide looked like. Or look at what is currently happening in some African countries (Sudan, Ethiopia, Congo) or what previously happened in Rwanda.
Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis and IRGC are genocidal terrorists. The hamas highly inflated genocide figures includes terrorists and their associates. Even the UN has reduced its death toll numbers. A country's self defense against terrorists does not constitute genocide.

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Fuck off. They have been illegally occupying their land for generations. They have been denying them freedom of movement for generations. The Jews are fucking scum and if anyone should know better it's them because of what's happened to them in the past.
You have very little understanding of the situation clearly.
Because the western media says someone's a terrorist don't make it so. If anyone's a terrorist organisation it's the fucking Israeli army!
By the shit your spewing I'll assume your a Jew ya self.
Pitty Hitler didn't kill em all the world would be a far better place with one less fucked up religion!! 😉
Words spoken by an antisemite.
Yes, I am a Proud Jew.
Hitler tried to complete his genocidal ambitions and did not succeed.
Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis and IRGC are trying and will not succeed.
"Pitty Hitler didn't kill em all". If he did, we would not be having this conversation.
There are still many good people in the world who will not let that happen.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Words spoken by an antisemite.
Yes, I am a Proud Jew.
Hitler tried to complete his genocidal ambitions and did not succeed.
Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis and IRGC are trying and will not succeed.
"Pitty Hitler didn't kill em all". If he did, we would not be having this conversation.
There are still many good people in the world who will not let that happen.
Yeah pitty we are having this conversation!!


Community Member
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In my universe it does.
I spent many formative years with jews (seeing the mad dreadlocked ones regularly visiting my schools), best mate became a commando war hero for the IDF through the 80s and beyond, hungout OS for year with a Palestinian mate, when they were basically PLO, met heaps of Israelis through work, lived days at a time them (either mad out of it nuts 👍or horrid dark scary fucks 👎, no middle ground.
I’m not anti-semetic, but fuck a significant portion of Israelis I detest. It’s one fucked up area, and us Western types are just as much to blame, but fuck historically what are they fighting over? Imaginary friend status? land? It will only stop by either complete elimination or massive spatial separation, so I think Israel has chosen the 1st option now.
Back to my universe. 🙈


Community Member
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In my universe it does.
I spent many formative years with jews (seeing the mad dreadlocked ones regularly visiting my schools), best mate became a commando war hero for the IDF through the 80s and beyond, hungout OS for year with a Palestinian mate, when they were basically PLO, met heaps of Israelis through work, lived days at a time them (either mad out of it nuts 👍or horrid dark scary fucks 👎, no middle ground.
I’m not anti-semetic, but fuck a significant portion of Israelis I detest. It’s one fucked up area, and us Western types are just as much to blame, but fuck historically what are they fighting over? Imaginary friend status? land? It will only stop by either complete elimination or massive spatial separation, so I think Israel has chosen the 1st option now.
Back to my universe. 🙈
At least you have had interaction with both sides to form an opinion.
Not like other youtube warriors.
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