My setup

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Red Eye Hero

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I’ve made hash oil in the past with 100% alcohol
I thought it would be healthier/better for you If you just heat and press the weed instead of extracting it out with alcohol then boiling out the alcohol

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I’ve made hash oil in the past with 100% alcohol
I thought it would be healthier/better for you If you just heat and press the weed instead of extracting it out with alcohol then boiling out the alcohol

Some mates I know love squishing :)


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I’ve made hash oil in the past with 100% alcohol
I thought it would be healthier/better for you If you just heat and press the weed instead of extracting it out with alcohol then boiling out the alcohol
Alcohol wash if with ISO is not good in any sort even if you do boil it off - nasty stuff also. You need a grain alcohol for a wash which is much better for that stuff though here in NZ Grain Alcohol is illegal - go figure.

Squishing is very tedious and slow going - good if you just want to squish and smoke for your self. Large supplies not so much. BHO mate you cant go wrong......well unless your a DC and blow yourself up :D


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ugh! waiting for them to pop up seems to go on forever and when you potted those seeds they only just broke their shells with a wee tail. They will grow their tail first for a bit before powering into the leaves to pop up.
I've dug around the soil before after a week waiting for them to pop up lol
Not sure what the norm time frame is úsual for hydro grows.
Hopefully not long now :)


The Dwarf Hermie King
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I’ve never seen those cubes. Are they for seed germination?
They look rather tightly packed for a seedling to push through.
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