My setup

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Deleted member cpr

You have to plug in the difference between air temp and leaf temp. Irrelevant for you at the moment, but what you plug in will change the VPD value greatly. I've come to the conclusions that it's a micro management thing that doesn't need to be precise for good results. General VPD guidelines say if it's hot then run high humidity and if its cold then a lower RH is preferable. I operate in a dumbed down way :)


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I got no idea how it works any ideas?
lol, you need a leaf temp reading to calibrate it (which will change so you give an average)

Its the same software on their site but built into the controller, you need a temperature gun 😂

You can spend heaps more on them if you really want to ;)

You might want to research VPD also lol


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While you are at it, you can get a Brix meter also, they measure plant sugars.

You squeeze the juice out of a leaf and look through a sight glass and it will give you are reading that can tell you a lot of data to add to the metric fuck ton you are already planning on leveraging your plants with.. lol


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I had a thought though a tad late, is your cousin thinking he is pressing a whole pound in the nug smasher?

If so what a waste of time and nug imo, go BHO its tastier, better return & will be faster.

Unless you are bubble hashing that pound and then making hash pucks to press you are wasting your time.

Tell him to buy a tube and vac pump - also action Outside i cant stress that enough. Or spend the cash and get a closed loop system.
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