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How many candles you using for light?

Haha, I have a sf1000 60cm away from plants. My tent is also in my shed (2.2 degrees) the other morning.
I had my exhaust fan pumping the old air back into my tent when I first set it up! These seeds were part of that set up too.
Like I said, novice grower.


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Haha, I have a sf1000 60cm away from plants. My tent is also in my shed (2.2 degrees) the other morning.
I had my exhaust fan pumping the old air back into my tent when I first set it up! These seeds were part of that set up too.
Like I said, novice grower.
Yeah, plants do like a bit of warmth. The cold will slow them right up. They like the root zone around 20c and Ambient Air like any good Sunny day of 27c (a few degrees either way).


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I am looking forward to having a grow in summer.
I have a 15watt heat mat that keeps the lowest temperature at about 10c, obviously not ideal but it is what it is.
Are there any benefits to low temp Cannabis plants?


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Yep, been running one this week, hooked up via a inkbird to heat a large tent to 22-24c. Seems on average it'll costs about 50 cents a day, on the cold days.
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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Jaycar has a small oil heater, drawing only 500 watts. About $40-$50 from memory.


Forum Pisshead
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You should test that theory, chuck ya heater out in a garden shed, thermo only works in an insulated space DC


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When I lived down in Sydney I used to bang a 600 HPS in the middle to get the temps up and surround the bastard with 8 cxb3590 cobs banging out about 1200par corner to corner in a 4x4 seal it up run CO2 in the fucker and grow the biggest rock hard nuggets I loved winter grows can't do it up in QLD


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50c a day on average for a 700w heater are you sure that’s accurate?

The other day, we had a cool day of 6c minimum and a top of 19c. I've got the 700w heater being managed via a Inkbird ITC 308 WiFi, and with the app, I'll set it at 22c during the day 'n bump it up to 24c when I go to bed, and it'll kick in when it drops 2c below what it's set at.

Anyway, that combo. I hooked it up via a Energy Monitor for roughly 24 hours, and it said it used 1.88kWh for that time. Current kilowatt price here is 29c/kWh. So bang them together and you get a figure of 54.52 cents for the day.


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Forgot to mention that I'm using the 250w HPS at the moment. And it appears the heater rarely kicks in while the light is on. I'm also retaining a bit of heat by having the AC Infinity extraction fan running on lowest fan setting. Which is incredibly low compared to your typical centrifugal fan.


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Hey fkers...
Got mediseed beans in the mail today.
Had ordered from Weedseedexpress 1 order got thru but next got stopped.... ordered from Herbies and they told me it got lost in post..!! Both refunded, which is great biz, but i was pissed...
Gunna start only one bean every 2 weeks from Medi for a rolling harvest..
If they strike.....!!
Will go by the book and use H202 and let you guyz know how it goes...810AB240-5904-4F20-BFA3-1F1B88F74A17.jpeg
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