Gweens have a plan to legalise it (apparently)


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No wucking furries!
Putin is on his way.
My script is on it's way.
I don't give a shit anymore, the End Times are Here Now.
Drowning in Microplastics. 91% GBR bleaching Tribulation to Whitsundays. Floods and bushfires. Parliment run by greedy rapacious extremist religious freaks and nutters. Everything is OK, because god will save us.
FFS I wish they would all just fuck off.
Existentially all of life is random and meaningless.

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The world is over populated, no argument there.

They've been saying that for a few hundred years now... there's nothing like good ol' fearmongering and propaganda with a dash of racism.

what used to be third world countries like India and China now aspire to be advanced middle class first world countries.

They'll still be third world, aligning themselves with neither USA or Russia, same as Ireland, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, etc..

However, as we've seen, the more affluent people get, the smaller their family size so it'll be a good thing for developing nations.


Capitalism and consumerism.

^ There's the problem, we produce too much for our needs.
There is no food shortage problem, the problem is distributing food to those without.... same goes with wealth.

Then there's this: Aus. has become reliant on immigration, we've enjoyed 27 years of uninterrupted economic growth since the last recession, no other developed economy even comes close.
Aus. doesn’t have a particularly high fertility rate, the majority of Australia’s success comes from immigration.

The World’s First Immigration Economy

Our right wing are all for capitalism and consumerism:

'Australia needs an explosive post-World War II-style immigration surge that could bring in 2 million people over five years to rebuild the economy and address worsening labour shortages.
If we lose this opportunity, those skilled migrants will go to other countries. We won’t get those engineers, those accountants, they’ll commit to other projects.'

Australia needs ‘explosive’ surge of 2 million migrants

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Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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but they wont bring in skilled migrants it will be 2 million dc that can't read english
and think a good night out is a public stoning


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Was watching Adam Bandt on ABC News this morning and some of what he mentioned seemed ok, but the only plan offered up to to fund the joint, was to get the Multi-national Corporations who pay fuck all tax start paying a heavy tax. I mean it all sounds fair and well, but it's lacking a Plan B. What happens when these mobs start laughing at them and pull out of the country.

I'm all for these mugs to pay their fair share, but reality, it's not going to happen anytime soon. After all, the fuckers have good representation to work the system in their favour.
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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Was watching Adam Bandt on ABC News this morning and some of what he mentioned seemed ok, but the only plan offered up to to fund the joint, was to get the Multi-national Corporations who pay fuck all tax start paying a heavy tax. I mean it all sounds fair and well, but it's lacking a Plan B. What happens when these mobs start laughing at them and pull out of the country.

I'm all for these mugs to pay their fair share, but reality, it's not going to happen anytime soon. After all, the fuckers have good representation to work the system in their favour.
That's bullshit no company will leave Australia if made to pay their fair share of tax. Its my number 1 concern about Australia is our grossly unfair tax system. These billion dollar companies should be paying 10s if not 100s of billions of $ in taxs.
They want 30c of every dollar every cunt earns but they pay 1 to 2 cents. Instead they get fucking subsidies and tax loopholes.
I hope the greens get in tax these cunts to fucking oblivion
Fuck em if they leave an aussie company will take their place!!
Fucking liberal lies that taxing big business will make them employ less and leave the country.
If they were taxed more we could pay less then we would have more disposable income to spend with these greedy billion dollar entities!!


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Mate, just ask yourself. Where are all the old big name Aussie brands doing their manufacturing these days. History speaks for itself..

As i thought i stated, i'd like to see them taxed accordingly as well. But the cunts play the game better than any government.

Anyway, my point being, there doesn't appear to be much of a Plan B when it comes to revenue. All i'm hearing is shitloads of expenditures to change our ways, and while doing so some sectors/industries are going to be obliterated for it , if they can't escape OS like many others already.

I've said many times. I'd like to see us clean up our act. But that shouldn't come at rthe expense of someone's livelihood. There needs to be a transitional period of a couple of decades, at least, for change to come about. There needs to be overhauls in many Gov departments (Federally, State, Councils..), and that shit isnt going to happen in a couple of terms in office.

I could go on. But to be honest, my interests isn't heavily invested in state of the current political scene. None of them appear to have any genuine integrity or stand up/out values with them. As pedro would state about em..

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Mate, just ask yourself. Where are all the old big name Aussie brands doing their manufacturing these days. History speaks for itself..

As i thought i stated, i'd like to see them taxed accordingly as well. But the cunts play the game better than any government.

Anyway, my point being, there doesn't appear to be much of a Plan B when it comes to revenue. All i'm hearing is shitloads of expenditures to change our ways, and while doing so some sectors/industries are going to be obliterated for it , if they can't escape OS like many others already.

I've said many times. I'd like to see us clean up our act. But that shouldn't come at rthe expense of someone's livelihood. There needs to be a transitional period of a couple of decades, at least, for change to come about. There needs to be overhauls in many Gov departments (Federally, State, Councils..), and that shit isnt going to happen in a couple of terms in office.

I could go on. But to be honest, my interests isn't heavily invested in state of the current political scene. None of them appear to have any genuine integrity or stand up/out values with them. As pedro would state about em..

Ban all political lobbyists and private company donations to all parties and politicians would be a start. These cunts are public servants and they don't know that because of endless lobbying and millions in donations!!
Think the greens have a policy to do just that!!


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As long as profit can be made no company is going to bail on Australia. That said if politicians finally grow some balls and decide to tax the big corporate cunts into finally paying their fair share they should also make it law that they cannot pass the increase on to local consumers. If a mining company wants to charge China 30% more to make up for their losses I couldn't give a shit, fuckem, but if they try to negate things by charging us more it should result in the board members being charged as traitors and publicly hanged.

Politicians are absolute scum and should have all financing options taken from them. If there was a publicly funded centralised site for all politicians where they can upload their plans, pics, etc. everyone would be on equal footing and if there were an unbiased (yeah fuckin right!) poll you could take to show where you lie politically and whom are your best options to vote for it would keep the system completely honest and force political parties to start acting in the interests of the people instead of junkie parents that do what's good for them while lying to the children.

As for the planet being over populated holy shit Jaz, you've smoked yourself retarded. Your argument applies to European races only. For everyone else it's been a matter of resources and technological advances that have enabled them to breed like fuckin rabits. Don't even try to say education results in less children, they've known since the dawn of time penis in vagina results in children and it's only the harsh reality of mother nature curb stomping their children that's kept their populations in check. Once we saved the day by giving them food, medicine, etc. which included family planning they all planned on having ever larger families because more hands that work for free the better off they become. They do the same in western countries too, we bring em in and they shit out kids galore. No amount of education, jobs for women or anything like that will stop them. It's like asking a spider to not make a web. Now you would assume that if we've fallen victim to modern society and stopped having children that they will too given that they're in our lands but we don't do when in Rome any more mate, that shit is racist! We're multicultural now and like birds of a feather they flock together while retaining their genetics, religion and culture. This means there is no difference where they are, all that's changed is a greater access to resources which means more kids survive into adulthood. More than this Muslims in particular are using immigration and their birthrates as a form of conquest over our nations by blowing loads of cum instead of us up because the latter would result in retaliation while the former we don't bat an eye at until it's already too late.

What made our population shit the bed won't effect them at all because when you're not muslim enough you get honour killed. They don't watch porn, they don't do drugs, they're not allowed to use birth control, they're not allowed to be whores, etc. Sure for now they do some things like work, date, etc. in our lands but that is only because the percentage of their population is still low. I've unfortunately lost the infographic I had about it but until they hit 10% they try to interact peacefully with their host nations and then begin to grow ever more hostile as their populations skyrocket. They begin becoming ever more true to their religion and attack the non believers driving survivors from their homelands and when they run out of us their bloodlust remains so strong that they turn on each other until everyone is following the laws exactly as they were laid down thus ushering in the golden age of pisslam.

I won't even bother getting started on the green revolution, how the top soil around the world has been mostly killed off, how every nation has a natural carrying capacity that we're all well over or any of that kind of bullshit. History doesn't matter compared to the demographic replacement in our nations which is going to destroy the entire earth anyway.


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As for the planet being over populated holy shit Jaz,

Dude, that was some of the most outdated racist bile I've read in quite some time; are you in bed with Pauline Hanson? In fact, even she jumped off that bandwagon many years ago, when she realised she got sucked in by the propaganda.

From your post, it looks like you've gone full tin foily, conspiro-religio-rightard and you need to get out more. We've long since moved away from islamophobia but I guess some crazy christians are still clinging onto it?

I remember seeing that moslem take-over video well over 20 years ago; where's the moslem takeover?
They're @ 2.6% of our population and not going anywhere fast.

The Pew findings demonstrate that fear of a Muslim takeover was largely the product of hysteria. France is not headed toward becoming an "Islamic republic" by 2048, as has been claimed and Germany is not on its way to becoming a "Muslim state" by 2050.
Commentators seem more focused on ringing false alarm bells than on presenting facts. The reality is that there is no takeover but that there is a danger of intolerance that threatens the very fabric of British and European society.

No, Muslims are not taking over the world

That video's been debunked so many times and more and more moslems are becoming atheist as they're being educated, just like people of every other religion.

I can also tell you from what I'm seeing in Sydney, where many of them live, their family sizes are indeed getting smaller. The 'breed like rabbits' thing is pure myth; their kids going to universities and contributing to society as engineers, doctors, many are not marrying till later, etc. Even the less educated ones are working on building sites, in retail, etc. and they're following the same life-style pattern as the Europeans that moved here mid last century.

Look no further than NSW Premier Dominic Puritan for an example of breed like rabbits, he's just pumped out christian soldier #7.
If you want to fear a take-over, you should be more concerned about Hillsong and evangelicalism/zionism.

Don't give in to fear and propaganda, you'll become a hateful bitter person angry at the world.


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Pedro de spacas

What's the point of quoting an 11 year old article from a far left rag ? @Jaz

Why do the socialists love the moslims and the communists hate them ?
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What's the point of quoting an 11 year old article

I couldn't find a more recent article to debunk a 20 year old video?


from a far left rag ?

Incorrect, you're skewed so far right that you consider it far left; it's only 'left leaning'.

Why do the socialists love the moslems and the communists hate them ?

I didn't know that was the case, it sounds like a generalisation but I can't speak for socialists and communists; you'll have to ask them yourself.

As for me, I'll point out racism, propaganda and hate when I see it... and I have a thing for debunking conspiracy theories and myth.


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Pedro de spacas

Why is the ABC in the centre, it should be in with the Guardian opinion, same as the Guardian

"As for me, I'll point out racism, propaganda and hate when I see it... and I have a thing for debunking conspiracy theories and myth."

Nobody hates as good as the left, or promotes propaganda like them
they love useful idiots like yourself


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Why is the ABC in the centre, it should be in with the Guardian opinion, same as the Guardian

"As for me, I'll point out racism, propaganda and hate when I see it... and I have a thing for debunking conspiracy theories and myth."

Nobody hates as good as the left, or promotes propaganda like them
they love useful idiots like yourself
I love conservative retardation!!
Looks like you got a severe case of it Anthony!! 🤣🤣



The Dwarf Hermie King
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Why is the ABC in the centre, it should be in with the Guardian opinion, same as the Guardian

"As for me, I'll point out racism, propaganda and hate when I see it... and I have a thing for debunking conspiracy theories and myth."

Nobody hates as good as the left, or promotes propaganda like them
they love useful idiots like yourself
Fox and Sky be your trusted sources I'll bet!! 🤣
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