Gweens have a plan to legalise it (apparently)


Pedro de spacas

I see you're from the "Wind farms don’t work in the dark" school of thinking :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 23960

EDIT : That's the National Party member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster in the video by the way.
They don't if there is no wind, Albo seems to think solar works at night, vote for the cunt at your own peril

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They don't if there is no wind, Albo seems to think solar works at night, vote for the cunt at your own peril
It’s like you have not concept of storage or oversizing a grids generation capacity.

Like pumped hydro has been around for 4+ decades and proven to work just fine for stabilising grids. Than than there’s big grid batteries, small home batteries, electric car batteries as grid storage, kinetic batteries, thermal batteries etc etc. the tech is literally improving and evolving on a daily basis.

Pedro de spacas

Yeah blame renewables because coal and gas prices are at record highs and still account for 60%+ of the grid.

Coal is reliable? Yeah just look at qld recently loosing a generator and how that failure effected the grid (hint it was renewables that took the brunt of the impact) and how that’s effected power prices especially in north qld.

The power bills were still going up when coal was cheap, Vic brown coal is dirt cheap, prices are thru the roof
not that it matters when the government wants to close coal power stations down, there the only thing keeping the lights on at the moment

How many battery's will it take to power proof Aus


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The power bills were still going up when coal was cheap, Vic brown coal is dirt cheap, prices are thru the roof
not that it matters when the government wants to close coal power stations down, there the only thing keeping the lights on at the moment

How many battery's will it take to power proof Aus
The cost of running an maintaince on vics brown coal generators is also the highest of any generator in the country even on a cost/per watt basis.
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Pedro de spacas

Clearly. I not the idiot paying for coal
You would of payed a small fortune for your solar and battery's, unless your running everything on 12 v

70- 90 % of Aus runs on coal and gas, unless your not hooked up to the grid, your using them

Pedro de spacas

It’s not actually. There are 9 million houses in australia. Put renewables on every house and there is no need for coal and gas, it’s not that hard mate. Your just making an issue out of nothing
No worrys Albo

Pedro de spacas

Like I said, you have no clue. Solar costs less than a cigarette habit in one year, go learn about the subject and then come back with something intelligent
My electricity bills are way less than my ciggie habit

How do you know I don't have solar panels on the roof, they don't work when the sun don't shine


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How many battery's will it take to power proof Aus

Honestly not many. A few grid scale batteries which there are a few of in the works from private companies like origin and agl. A few pumped hydro stations. Community scale batteries in new developments. Whack a government rebate/subsidy for residential batteries for the average joe to get a battery (which is actually the best way to take pressure of the grid).

Oversizing the renewable generation and whacking in peaking hydrogen and ammonia plants to take advantage of surplus.
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