You don't need a spiritual room..


Forum Pisshead
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My granddad said to me not long before he past that god helps those who help themselves.

I’m atheist, but have no issues with people believing what ever religious faith they want to believe in for what ever reasons.

What gets up my goat are the door knockers that think they have the right to come onto my property and preach away.

I’ve got big fuck off signs on my gate, think this stops them? Like fuck it does.

Shows how disrespectful some of them are.

What I think about religion is it = War

I really hope they find a microbe on some far away moon, where’s your god now?

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Yep, door knockers are the worst.

almost as bad as the flogs in my areathat leave religious material on park benches and bus stop seats.


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I used to get them knocking on my door at least once a year.
I told Them theres no need to try and save souls in Australia coz we get enough Christianity shoved down our throats already ...

Told them they’d be better off going to Iraq or any Muslim country ,,,plenty to be converted there..

That was about fifteen years ago ...strangely they haven’t come back ..


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please tell me Sister where my actions are not in line with God's will.
Hey ... how do you know what is god's will? How are you so privileged? Does god talk to you? or are you crazy? PS: I 'm Jesus boyfriend. We have sex. Ha! Beat that, you holier than thou!


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I 'm sorry you don't seem to like my philosophising Porky ... but I DO like yr post. Once more sorry to get all wordy but 'faith' and 'hope' seem interchangeable to me. And you know when people begin to hope is when things are looking pretty hopeless. So all this religion stuff is fear-based. 🎼 "Mmmm. da da da ta da da. honey honey ... mmm. da da dat ta da da sugar sugar ... mmm🎼


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My go to God song..

Each to their own, but never really been fond of the idea of pushing someone's religious or political opinion on others. Rarely ever ends well.


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My go to God song..

Each to their own, but never really been fond of the idea of pushing someone religious or political opinion on others. Never usualky ends well.

gonna listen soon, atm carried away on gazzas follow ons lol x
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The Dwarf Hermie King
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I 'm sorry you don't seem to like my philosophising Porky ... but I DO like yr post. Once more sorry to get all wordy but 'faith' and 'hope' seem interchangeable to me. And you know when people begin to hope is when things are looking pretty hopeless. So all this religion stuff is fear-based. 🎼 "Mmmm. da da da ta da da. honey honey ... mmm. da da dat ta da da sugar sugar ... mmm🎼
Its all good mate i agree with you. Ive just been enjoying the quotes from Sir Richard.
I consider philosophy just another human based opinion mate.
Peer reviewed fact based science is far more interesting.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Its all good mate i agree with you. Ive just been enjoying the quotes from Sir Richard.
I consider philosophy just another human based opinion mate.
Peer reviewed fact based science is far more interesting.
How's the COLD weather going DC
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Well, twice when i was young and naive to the ways of the world i've had this crap rammed down my throat from a parent, and a youth group. I was also raised under constant physical and mental abuse, and i would put my religious experiences in the same basket of that abuse.

Sorry, Sugs. There's nothing you or anyone else can say or do to change my view. I'm content to go through life with the thought that i may be judged eventually by the big fella. If i didn't live up to his expectations, so be it. cast me to the eternal fire pit. I'll just drop him a hint that he might want to have a word to his believer's that they might want to change up their ways. as it can be bloody terrifying to the point that folks can be turned off from religion altogether. Bunch of rightious fucks i have no time for anymore.

And, please. don't bother with the softly softly approach, as i'm well rehearsed with that bs angle as well.

Nothing against you personally, Sug's. as you should be well aware. it's just a subject i gets me riled up reasonably quickly when someone comes at me with it. Just keep in mind abuse comes in many forms.
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