You don't need a spiritual room..


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This one is for sugar. Christians arnt so bad after all. 😉View attachment 3875
Thanks for the Dawkins quotes. I didn't know he was an Atheist. But maybe he's not. An Existentialist would talk like that. (Have you read Sartre?) I like the quoted post: That the decline of Christanity may lead to something worse. But all this is in our heads. We can't know. We're just repeating stuff we think is true and we have only our ancestors ideas to work with. We're a bit like computers in that they are generational. I mean that there was the first one and all other subsequent versions are built upon the first. So there's a lie or misunderstanding in the first place then what do we get down the line ... ?

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Fucking Hillsong is a scam ,run by pedophiles for pedophiles
If you think otherwise, start to look at their victims,as well as the ppl they have bankrupted
Any so called religion started by a fuckwit is nothing but a scam ,another self proclaimed Jesus
You are Obivously lost and searching for something, they are not the answer but the beginning of just another illusion that you think gives you faith ,sorry it doesn't
If you need to shout out your faith and try to convince others to follow you are on the wrong path
If you feel the need, as you do ,to be so vocal I think you indeed doubt it yourself
Faith doesn't need to shouted at every opportunity, it is something you can show louder by your actions not your words,some thing you might think about


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I can tell you for a fact that Hillsong has been investigated, the findings won't be released
The reason,,,,our stupid prime minister is involved with them , there would be so much of a scandal that it's never going to be made public
It's much more than a cash cow for so many , many damaged children
No I'm not going to tell where you are lost , that you l have to work out for yourself


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If someone was dehydrated would you deny them water?

Attacking someone based on their spiritual beliefs is like telling someone who is black to bleach their skin.

Low in my opinion. Dog act.


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I can tell you for a fact that Hillsong has been investigated, the findings won't be released
The reason,,,,our stupid prime minister is involved with them , there would be so much of a scandal that it's never going to be made public
It's much more than a cash cow for so many , many damaged children
No I'm not going to tell where you are lost , that you l have to work out for yourself

I don't like hillsong either Sister.
I do like some of their songs.


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Not accusing making a observation, and stop quoting stuff you don't understand from a book written 1200 yrs after the fact ,why is that 1 gospel telling of a event differ to another's?
Much was left out ,just as you choose to do, you get 1 quote and I can get another that differs
What all of a sudden makes what you believe to be correct , maybe the Mormans are right,even the Hindus?
Fuck knows but was does piss me off is some one telling they are right and there's is the path to follow and using all these bullshit quotes to justify what they say , sorry you wanted to know how I feel well you just found out
Speak from the heart , looks like you are still trying to convince yourself atm
No need to help convert others if you are struggling your self , well no need to convert others period!


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Sister, I share my faith and I live it which means where ever I go I'm like this as you see me here.
We all have different gifts and different life experiences that are used for God's glory.
I'm just learning how to use them with gratitude.
You do know right, and I know you do! (i'm glad you have faith) that we are All parts of the body of Christ and together we join together with all different gifts and fruits of the spirit and faith.
God bless you.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Sister, I share my faith and I live it which means where ever I go I'm like this as you see me here.
We all have different gifts and different life experiences that are used for God's glory.
I'm just learning how to use them with gratitude.
You do know right, and I know you do! (i'm glad you have faith) that we are All parts of the body of Christ and together we join together with all different gifts and fruits of the spirit and faith.
God bless you.
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Sister, I share my faith and I live it which means where ever I go I'm like this as you see me here.
We all have different gifts and different life experiences that are used for God's glory.
I'm just learning how to use them with gratitude.
You do know right, and I know you do! (i'm glad you have faith) that we are All parts of the body of Christ and together we join together with all different gifts and fruits of the spirit and faith.
God bless you.

Yeah, nah.


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so if we’re all sinners and part of Jesus ,,,,,that means he must be a cool dude.


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At a time when the Catholic church condemned scientists and astrologers to death or prison for hierchy, the Muslim faith on the other hand embraced it's scientists and astrologers
Its unfortunate the Muslim faith is tarnished by some many fanatics, could teach the so called Christian's a little
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