What's the weather like?


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Start now mate but you may need to provide an extra couple of hours of light per day so they stay in veg until the daylight hours get above 12 again

Yep, obviously follow HGO's advice. The weather here is typical of Central QLD. So winter is barely a blip on the radar.

As for my statement about being too early for photos, isn't necessarily true. It's just that I don't start photos this early because the buggas could easily outgrow the space I have here for them. It's not until mid-november, first week of December I get a start with the photo's usually.

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Ganja Kaiser

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It's warm enough here to get a jump on things, GK. Well, for Autos (bit too soon for photos). If all goes well I should be looking at some nice fresh buds just before Chrissy. Got These girls potted up 'n outside a week or so ago when they germinated. They had a couple of coolish nights when it got down to 4-5c. Nothing but warmer weather from here on end though, we're meant to be looking at a top of 29c today.

Start now mate but you may need to provide an extra couple of hours of light per day so they stay in veg until the daylight hours get above 12 again

Yep, obviously follow HGO's advice. The weather here is typical of Central QLD. So winter is barely a blip on the radar.

As for my statement about being too early for photos, isn't necessarily true. It's just that I don't start photos this early because the buggas could easily outgrow the space I have here for them. It's not until mid-november, first week of December I get a start with the photo's usually.

Thanks for the info - ya'll don't think it's too cold in Canberra still?


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Was gunna go earlier, but would've been a dead low tide. No water around when she's like that.


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Ah shit no video, whales were about 20 metres off back of boat, breaching etc

Then 1 headed straight for the boat , swam along side they he was having a look at us

They were there for about 5 mins b4 they swam away
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