What's the weather like?

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The man your mother warned you about.
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A sweltering 7c here today ..

Ganja Kaiser

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Meant to be 21 here today still feels frosty. Trying to work out when I should be getting some girls going outside. Never done it.
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It's warm enough here to get a jump on things, GK. Well, for Autos (bit too soon for photos). If all goes well I should be looking at some nice fresh buds just before Chrissy. Got These girls potted up 'n outside a week or so ago when they germinated. They had a couple of coolish nights when it got down to 4-5c. Nothing but warmer weather from here on end though, we're meant to be looking at a top of 29c today.



Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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Meant to be 21 here today still feels frosty. Trying to work out when I should be getting some girls going outside. Never done it.
Start now mate but you may need to provide an extra couple of hours of light per day so they stay in veg until the daylight hours get above 12 again
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