What's the weather like?

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The core sample dating back 800,000 years???? thats exactly what I'm talking about FFS! don't worry about the other billions of years hey.

Never once even slightly deny the 'climate change' theory at all.....In fact have been doing the exact opposite. We are obviously going to cause problem going like we are.

You wrote that 'the planet has never seen change at this pace' which there is absolutely no evidence or enough data to back it up!

My statement actually implied that this could be just a natural cycle that we are speeding up, It could result in something completely new that we have created from fucking with the natural balance of the plant, or it could be part of a fluctuation that always happens over a incredible amount of years and be fine.

Dinosaurs probably fucked the planet with their farts as well the cunts. Who knows.
Thats where the science of Geology steps in

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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I'm into mining company's, talk to a few, not about the weather tho

But they know a hell of a lot more about the past climate, than a lot of so called "climate experts"

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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They get shit canned, because they might of worked for a mining company

Not much other work out there for them

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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From what I know the climate science is fairly multidisciplinary
Greta, attenbourgh and flannery, get a lot of air time

Non of them know fuck all about it, but they make a lot of $$$, that is what its all about as far as I can see


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Greta, attenbourgh and flannery, get a lot of air time

Non of them know fuck all about it, but they make a lot of $$$, that is what its all about as far as I can see
Attenbourgh is a doco presenter after all, Greta is what I'd call an activist probably even now a personality and she came in on a wave because she was doing something different, her skolstrejk, age, 'personality' I guess and flannery I don't really hear from much within the Murdoch/NewsCorp sphere and I had to actively be looking for something on the internet to come across him.

Greta and Attenbourgh are just now 'celebs' I guess, dunno


The man your mother warned you about.
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If the global population keeps going up as it likely will..then we’ll probably fart ourselves to death anyway.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Greta, attenbourgh and flannery, get a lot of air time

Non of them know fuck all about it, but they make a lot of $$$, that is what its all about as far as I can see
Go on you fucking DC find me one link to a credible scientist geologist or other wise that thinks man made climate change is not happening right now.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Go on you fucking DC find me one link to a credible scientist geologist or other wise that thinks man made climate change is not happening right now.
FFS Fuckhead of the year, I've put heaps of shit up over the last few years for ya
You just sook about "big Oil" paying them to deny the "we are all going to fry" bullshit

You were sooking about how cold it was for most of 2020, forgotten already have ya, probably had to many shit drugs hey
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22c, sunny and drizzle on and off so left bloom girls under in their light dep tent. NImbins and Dr Grinspoon are out to get some drizzzle gave them water with light 5in1 this morning, pretty normal south easters here to get drizzle and sun periods, sure beats the shocking north or NE winds humid and very warm
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