What's the weather like?

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All time Shittest Trimmer.
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Went on a P&O cruise for only 7 days and wanted to kill every cunt on board by the end of it!

Who the fuck would want to be stuck on a wooden boat with christian knobheads for a whole year let alone 50,000 fucking animals shitting n pissing all over the cunt! Would be like being stuck in fucking limbo.

Would rather be smoking joints in Hell with all the good cunts. Dumbest story ever written!

afghan bob

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Pretty crap here in S.E.Q, hot as fuck all day, pissing down now
Hopefully cyclone will start heading down the coast, sunshine coast my bum

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Anyway DC's, how much Co2 goes into producing a solar panel or a wind tower, do they ever save any Co2 from being released ??

can anycunt recycle a solar panel or a wind tower and get a commercial return, because no cunt will do it if they dont

LANDFILLL hey punters, that's where most of it ends up, ya ill-informed DC's


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Bit odd today, stepped outside into the sun and was bowled over and slammed by the radiation or UV radiation coming from the sun but step into the shade was only 28C. We are mid-summer and UV radiation is off the charts but couple that with low air temp is different


All time Shittest Trimmer.
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Pot kettle black

"global warming is real, because we got a few hot days" where I live

What spins me out the most with all this 'climate change' is that they are using Data trends starting from 1880 which only went digital and accurate in the 2000's to try to understand and predict a planets climate that is appox. 4.5 billions years old. It's fucking ridiculous!

The planet more than likely has frozen and defrosted more times than we could even comprehend, There is nothing anyone can do to stop it!

It'll just keep going round and round till it's had enough of us, wipe us out and start again. (That is unless we outsmart it and build a boat like old Noah!!!!!!)


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The climate has always been changing since the planet formed, that's true, but the change that we are currently experiencing is at a rate that the planet has never experienced before.

So yeah climate change has always been happening, but its the rate at which its now currently changing that apparently worries scientists.


The man your mother warned you about.
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Like dr green thumb said .the planet has gone through heaps of change ,,heaps of times,,we got no stats from the distant past ,,,
so impossible to know what is a concerning rate of change ,,
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