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"On 19 November 2023, Israel's national broadcaster Kan uploaded this song to X (formerly Twitter) in which Israeli children sing in celebration and support for the Israeli army's mass extermination campaign of Palestinians in Gaza."

The sick cunts called it "The Friendship Song" ☹️


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are you really that fuckin stupid that your gonna sit there and claim that children dont get brainwashed by hamas and palestinians. ??? really ??
you must be a total fuckwit.


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you know how to use google dont ya ? or is your household firewalled to the muslim propaganda channel ??


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User ID
you know how to use google dont ya ? or is your household firewalled to the muslim propaganda channel ??
I do, it would seem you don't. You might want to look up what a firewall is too ...seems you have very little understanding of words you use (or the world you live in).

So because I ask you for proof to back up your flippant claim. Then I must be indoctrinated by "pro Muslim" propaganda? Fuck, how's SKY NEWS treating ya? :ROFLMAO:.


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ok so why dont you google the brainwashing of palestinian children.
and tell everyone how many thousands of videos and websites dont come up in the search results.
ill wait.


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isnt there a muslim echo chamber on twitter you can go share your propaganda on. i think this was meant to be a growers forum



User ID
ok so why dont you google the brainwashing of palestinian children.
and tell everyone how many thousands of videos and websites dont come up in the search results.
ill wait.
What did your last slave die of? Do it your fucking self 🤷‍♂️.

Plenty of zionist IDF propaganda out there on the subject, but you just don't want to provide any links because you know where they come from :(.

pffffft whatever
Fuck you're debating skills are off the chart!


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Now we all know I hate the Jews but the real problem is that with out the US the Jews would of been wiped from the middle east in about 5 minutes! The US litterley pays for Israel to exist. They have very little economy they are proped up by billions of dollars in aid from the US every year. On top of that the US supply them with the weapons they are using for free!
Fuck me the US has given these Jew dogs 1/3 of a trillion dollars since 1942!!
Its the US base in the middle east!!
We need to look deeper that just the dribble on the 6pm media/garbage.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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When I watch stuff like this I think Hitler should of wiped this religion out completely!!
Shame it was their grandparents not cunts like this woman who were gassed!! 🤣


The man your mother warned you about.
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It’s shocking what both sides have done in the past,,
Hammas had peace but destroyed it by attacking Israel ,knowing any repercussions would hurt civilians..
Israel said they would stop the bombings if the captives are returned ,but hammas it seems don’t want peace by holding on to those captives…

if people want to support Palistine why have they never spoken up about other dislodged peoples like the Kurds or the Karen people ,,they have been fucked over too ,but they are not the flavour of the day ,So people conveniently look the other way,

If I had to spend time with either the Palestinians ,Kurds or the Karen the Palestinians would be my last choice if I wanted to survive .
Atleast Israel warn and have allways warned the occupants of buildings they are about to destroy,,these things are conveniently
ignored by virtue signaling protesters though.

the saying rings true ,,,,
,Israel use guns to protect their citizens
Hammas use citizens to protect their guns.

Too many things since covid have been causing divisions and
more than likely it is by design,
if you can’t see that happening around the world you are blind or not looking.

If your with the Palestinians then fine we have our own free will to make up our own mind but don’t even bother giving me shit over what I have written as I have my free will too.

not interested in the stupid political arguments that go on .


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Anyway, I came here to ask if anyone has seen Opperheimer yet, and if it's worth checking out? Because i see it's been released on YIFY's site ( yts.mx ). Seems to have some good reviews.
yeh it goes alright well worth a download, i watched a cam version which i never do but the hype was too intense for me to resist, completely fucked the experience


The Dwarf Hermie King
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All this war shit is just a distraction for how fucked things are right now!!
Some facts about how fucking pathetic this Albo government is!!

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