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Resident Celebrity
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Just watched free Free Guy (Ryan Reynolds)with the kids it’s about A.I living in a GTA world really good movie for kids and adults download it here

I remember seeing a preview for this ages ago and I totally forgot about it, thank you!

Also, pretty sure I sure Taika Waititi is in it too, he's awesome. Really creative dude.


I do enjoy the odd wank regularily. Keeps the skanks at bay.

Question is Anoma? R U? This is serious TISMA???


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Times ticking away Anoma? Pretty simple question with respects to amount of bullshit that gets flung my way on a regular bases bye you fucking IT Police.

R U Gay? Clearly your taking your time to think about this long and hard, all the muff you have munched on it's probably a deeply personal and tricky question to be asking yourself.

See it's easy for me to speak openly about something like this. I've never personally fucked another man. Therefore I don't consider myself gay. The amount of mates i've had crack onto me i've had the opportunity to explore this option many a times. But since you so openly like to ridicule me for supposedly being gay. I'm happy to explore this topic of conversation with you openly on an internet forum that people from all demographics of australian society frequent.


Resident Celebrity
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But since you so openly like to ridicule me for supposedly being gay.

You have comprehension issues, I called you a clown's cock, that doesn't mean you're gay, you homophobe.

Keep digging that hole for yourself, you're only proving me correct with every post.

I don't know how you expect to run a business by being like this to people who are your core demographic.

@Pedro de pacas I think I've found your King of the Dumb Cunts. Get the award and certificate ready, let me know when the ceremony is on. ;)


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
You have comprehension issues, I called you a clown's cock, that doesn't mean you're gay, you homophobe.

Keep digging that hole for yourself, you're only proving me correct with every post.

I don't know how you expect to run a business by being like this to people who are your core demographic.

@Pedro de pacas I think I've found your King of the Dumb Cunts. Get the award and certificate ready, let me know when the ceremony is on. ;)
It's pippin, Clementine and 5 other aliases. Don't worry about her mate she's a useless piece of shit!!


I don't know how you expect to run a business by being like this to people who are your core demographic...

Who would that be other then myself?


It's pippin, Clementine and 5 other aliases. Don't worry about her mate she's a useless piece of shit!!

Says the bald headed meth smoking pig who is too scared as a copper to tell me his real name 😂


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
I don't know how you expect to run a business by being like this to people who are your core demographic...

Who would that be other then myself?
My business of shiting on meth Heads is going fine.
Your Mt number 1 customer!! 🤣


Resident Celebrity
User ID
Hmmm... the name Clementine rings a bell but I don't have any experience communicating with them, I guess now I do.

Cheers Porky
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