What are you smoking?


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I got some Bianca here as well, won that and the Wonky in a seed comp. Might get around to it one day. What's it lineage, something crossed over the Wonky?

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Got no idea what this is , musta been smashed up when I stored this lot , 8 ozs , all seem a little different but none are labelled

I'm thinking this is either GSC x GC or maybe my BD x

Just punched a few , definitely GSC x GC
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What strain are you smoking right now? Throw up a pic and share your thoughts.

Tonight I'm alternating between sample buds of green crack and killer orange. The ko taste and aroma is amazing.
Unfortunately, I gat no pics to share, but i had an exciting experience with that crack! Green Crack and Killer Orange both have such sweet flavors and aromas. and that Killer Orange tends to have a citrusy punch kind of. the smoke gets me fly


The man your mother warned you about.
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Different phenos are to be expected,,
especially with only one stable parent ,
most of the earlier crosses I didn’t take notes on .
but from memory what I sampled it was closer to GC than BH.
and I received favourable reports about it.

Im Also using a different Bangi parent now.
overall with most of these latest crosses ,I like what this has been producing too.

I’m liking that most things with bangi haze in it seems to be smoking well 👍 how does your green crack x bangi go I have 2 very different phenos 1 real stretchy type then 1 real stout type with more indica looking leaves?👍


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Looks nice. Also looks like a seed in the top right side, careful mate!
Yeah I've had a seed or 2 in each bud. Didn't see anything to make em in the grow but so must been inner nana's that couldn't be seen.
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