Weed Olympics

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I'd just like to see an opening ceremony with everyone smoking and a massive smoke plume above. Fuck yeah.

Instead of passing along the torch, they can pass along a massive joint.
Sounds like Midnight Oils "red sails in the sunset" tour back in the eighties when they dragged a big circus tent around the the countryside. Biggest Dutch oven I've ever had the privilege to experience.

Ganja Kaiser

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Sounds like Midnight Oils "red sails in the sunset" tour back in the eighties when they dragged a big circus tent around the the countryside. Biggest Dutch oven I've ever had the privilege to experience.
That would have been amazing.


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Yes and no, I was about 10-15 foot from the stage, and we were packed in tight and smoke was was thick. A few joints were flicked up onto the stage but the lads didn't indulge in any. No real need to either though. šŸ˜„


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Yep I remember those days Indy

My kids found it hard to believe that top Aussie bands played the pubs around Sydney for next to nothing admission


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100m in a wheelchair... none of us are paraplegic, just too smashed to get up and run.

Already done that fkn event back in '88, it was probably more like 400m all uphill. In Brissy's PA Hospital for 2 weeks after busting myself up after stacking me thumper . A bloke in the bed beside got talking one day, I mentioned I had a bit of hooter that a gf dropped up to me, and he mentioned he had some decent hash at home he could get his missus to bring in a bit.

Next day when she bought it in, we devised a plan to head downstairs on our wheelchairs, down near the nurse's quarters and rolled 'n choofed this scoob. Well, little did we realise that we would end up soo fuckin smashed off this one joint.

So here we are, ripped off our tits, and having to head up this dirty great big hill before we could get back into the hospital foyer again. Like I mentioned, she's about 400 metres all uphill right on change of shift with staff everywhere. We were that smashed, we lost all sense in time. But I'm guessing it took us best part of an hour to get back to our beds where not another word was murrmered for the rest of the evening.

Still curse that fkn Hill to this day. šŸ˜†
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