Weed Olympics

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Fuck nothing about the munchies.
Who can smash a pie the quickest.
Who can smash a block of chocolate the quickest.
Who can smash a large bag of chips the quickest.

Maybe something with 3 shit ingredients and who can turn em into some edible.


Resident Celebrity
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I like your style, Porky.

People may say 7/11 hotdogs are the worst form of food ever created but when we were kids who just got our licenses we'd go down to 'the point' in Oatley and smash some bongs, then drive to the 7/11 and get the hotdog and Pepsi Max combo and munch out.

Protip: Put as much sauce and mustard on as you want, then roll the dog around in the bun.

Sanjeev won't know how much sauce to charge you for ;)
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