Weed Olympics

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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I'm already bored after 24 hours in lockdown around here. Been thinking about all the possible categories for a Weed Olympics. As soon as it's legalised in Aus, I'd like to represent our nation in "rolling joints." 😜😜 What categories would you like to see included in a Weed Olympics and/or what categories would you enter?? Lol.

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LOL, some people were accusing the 18yr old Aussie skateboarder Keegan Palmer of being stoned during the Gold medal interview.

Who gives a fuck, he won, scored an incredible 94.5 or something and he literally did a kickflip McTwist, which was actually one of the special moves in the first Tony Hawk video game, lol. It.. was.. mental.

If he was baked during that run, then that just makes our argument for recreational cannabis even stronger :D
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