Walk in seed bank


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I'm heading to Europe last week of November. Amsterdam is on the list, I've never been and it's been on my bucket list forever. I plan on visiting a couple seed banks over there. My question has anyone had success posting them back to themselves. Or do they get picked up like my last couple orders from that region, and do I shelve them and cart them all over but I'm stopping in Japan on the way back too. Thoughts

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Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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post them hidden well and label the customs form as gifts and you should be okay
also break them into several packages so if they get one you don't lose them all
ps I wouldn't go into any asian country carrying anything illegal

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Stealth is effectively useless against the modern Aus Kustoms scanners. Its pot luck. If a stealth seed package goes through a scanner it will almost certainly be identified and confiscated. Stealth makes zero difference to a parcel going through Aus Kustoms. Exception would be a highly sophisticated elaborate * very expensive * scheme. For example, say importing some seeds hidden inside an entire motor vehicle. 🤣 Otherwise hook up with some Asian Triad group. They will have plenty of elaborate/expensive schemes for importing white powders. Piggy back off them 🤣


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I was in Spain for Spannabis last year, picked some seeds up and had them on me as I traveled through Austria and the UK then back home to Australia. I simply took them out of their packaging and put them in the coin pockets of my pants and shorts.

Green Genius

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Stealth is effectively useless against the modern Aus Kustoms scanners. Its pot luck. If a stealth seed package goes through a scanner it will almost certainly be identified and confiscated. Stealth makes zero difference to a parcel going through Aus Kustoms. Exception would be a highly sophisticated elaborate * very expensive * scheme. For example, say importing some seeds hidden inside an entire motor vehicle. 🤣 Otherwise hook up with some Asian Triad group. They will have plenty of elaborate/expensive schemes for importing white powders. Piggy back off them 🤣
Sorry we have to quickly shed some light on the inner workings of govt departments (for disclosure, I am ex-military).

Customs are looking for prohibited items which are all broken down into categories that have their own risk profiles. People think seeds fall into the drugs category because of legislation, but as far as border protection goes, they fall under biosecurity as they contain zero psychoactive substances . Countries also have risk profiles attached.

Now customs have all sorts of detection methods for all sorts of items, but the detection of biosecurity matter normally falls to an organic xray. Heres the catch, there is a metric fuck ton of organic matter entering the country everyday. What customs does is filter out the illicit from the licit.

So the exercise becomes what organic matter is allowed from Europe to Australia? Almost always that answer is processed food stuff. Last I checked nuts and seeds aka trail mix is no issue.

PS trying to hide organics in inorganic materials is a fools game.

Sun Ra

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Here is my suggestion: Juggling balls. Make them with balloons, bird seed [add canna seeds to the mix and extract them later after delivery, plastic soft drink bottle and funnel.

A bit of mucking around but worth it imo. Send them to multiple safe addresses as gifts using false names.

Package them up as birthday presents and include basic folded up printed beginner's instructions on how to juggle. (see below)

Make them up to look semi professional, like you have purchased them in a street market. Put the balls in cellophane bags
with the instructions and seal the bags with small staples. Then gift wrap.

Here is how to make them.

Here are the instructions.


You can put canna seeds [mixed with bird seed] in only one ball out of the three if you want, you can use different colour balloons so you can keep a not of what strains you put into what. And so on .......


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Green Genius

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Here is my suggestion: Juggling balls. Make them with balloons, bird seed [add canna seeds to the mix and extract them later after delivery, plastic soft drink bottle and funnel.

A bit of mucking around but worth it imo. Send them to multiple safe addresses as gifts using false names.

Package them up as birthday presents and include basic folded up printed beginner's instructions on how to juggle. (see below)

Make them up to look semi professional, like you have purchased them in a street market. Put the balls in cellophane bags
with the instructions and seal the bags with small staples. Then gift wrap.

Here is how to make them.

Here are the instructions.

View attachment 52258

You can put canna seeds [mixed with bird seed] in only one ball out of the three if you want, you can use different colour balloons so you can keep a not of what strains you put into what. And so on .......

View attachment 52259

View attachment 52260

Thats the most suspicious thing I have ever seen. Imagine seeing these arrive from Amsterdam :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. No point wrapping stuff, xray sees right through it. Also biosecurity dont test seeds, they dont have the capacity to test 1,000 confiscated packages per day.

Food is great as everyone sends food. A card saying "You said you missed these" and you are golden.


Sun Ra

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Thats the most suspicious thing I have ever seen. Imagine seeing these arrive from Amsterdam :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. No point wrapping stuff, xray sees right through it. Also biosecurity dont test seeds, they dont have the capacity to test 1,000 confiscated packages per day.

Food is great as everyone sends food. A card saying "You said you missed these" and you are golden.

View attachment 52262
You don't know my background it seems. Sometime the most obvious actually gets through. I do however prefer to provide my advice on these matters via PM for fairly obvious reasons.

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Sun Ra

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Hahaha ....... but yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if someone from law enforcement intel signed up to this place.

That's why PMs should be used for in depth discussions around this stuff. I've been open about who I am from day 1 here mate.

I've also said many times, that seeds in the post are way down the list of a tier #1 priority in terms of what they are looking out for, behind heroin, coke, meth, xtc, weapons, child porn, etc. Seeds are an administrative pain in the ass more than anything and most don't give a flying fuck about them but have to go through the motions if detected. Bulk seeds - that would be something more interesting though ........

Another idea - second hand CDs - send in packs of 5 to 10 and put seeds in only a couple of them - pull the case apart to do this. Concealment concepts are indeed, an art form. To me anyway. I helped out at the post for a week - on my first day I found a kilo of meth in a hollowed out piston kits. They thought I was a genius, but not really. Use your imagination and then some.
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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Thats the most suspicious thing I have ever seen. Imagine seeing these arrive from Amsterdam :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. No point wrapping stuff, xray sees right through it. Also biosecurity dont test seeds, they dont have the capacity to test 1,000 confiscated packages per day.

Food is great as everyone sends food. A card saying "You said you missed these" and you are golden.

View attachment 52262
. Sun Ra was an Aus Kustoms officer. I am aware of Kustoms looking for organic matter. European packages got hit hard for a while due to higher risk due to foot and mouth disease there. Usa and Canada didn't have foot and mouth disease. I think that might still be the case? . Which makes them less of a biosecurity risk

Sun Ra

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. Sun Ra was an Aus Kustoms officer. I am aware of Kustoms looking for organic matter. European packages got hit hard for a while due to higher risk due to foot and mouth disease there. Usa and Canada didn't have foot and mouth disease. I think that might still be the case? . Which makes them less of a biosecurity risk
Agree Foxy. The other thing to note it's not Kustoms / ABF re Biosecurity - it's AQIS?Quarantine or whatever they are called these days. Lots of hits on stuff coming from Netherlands, Spain [including me after I retired !] - so they profiled these sources - a bit easier to do compared to USA. So all of that makes sense. If anyone wants to join a PM about this stuff - say so here and I will tell you an interesting story about a particularly funny / sad thing in this space. I will add you to the PM if I trust you.
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Community Member
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Agree Foxy. The other thing to note it's not Kustoms / ABF re Biosecurity - it's AQIS?Quarantine or whatever they are called these days. Lots of hits on stuff coming from Netherlands, Spain [including me after I retired !] - so they profiled these sources - a bit easier to do compared to USA. So all of that makes sense. If anyone wants to join a PM about this stuff - say so here and I will tell you an interesting story about a particularly funny thing in this space. I will add you to the PM if I trust you.
I'm in!


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Agree Foxy. The other thing to note it's not Kustoms / ABF re Biosecurity - it's AQIS?Quarantine or whatever they are called these days. Lots of hits on stuff coming from Netherlands, Spain [including me after I retired !] - so they profiled these sources - a bit easier to do compared to USA. So all of that makes sense. If anyone wants to join a PM about this stuff - say so here and I will tell you an interesting story about a particularly funny / sad thing in this space. I will add you to the PM if I trust you.
count me in please
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