The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Whole areas locked down with not one positive person?We've had shitloads more people die from the flu before ,and it doesn't even make the news!this is now a political football .
And a nation of brainwashed drones!
I'd say if they keep us locked down too much longer things will get ugly!
say NO to fear narrative! Or hide under your bed like a jellyfish! ✌🏻


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What a fucking dog , was watching bmx race , it's fairly obvious the little American cunt took out the Aussie girl on purpose

Leaves the other American a almost certain for the gold

Aussie girl was there she had no hope


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Whole areas locked down with not one positive person?We've had shitloads more people die from the flu before ,and it doesn't even make the news!this is now a political football .
And a nation of brainwashed drones!
I'd say if they keep us locked down too much longer things will get ugly!
say NO to fear narrative! Or hide under your bed like a jellyfish! ✌🏻
It’s brute force pressure to immunise. Feels like the fkn Twilight Zone 😟
Cnts fully vaccinated and still dying ? High School kids mandated to get poked.
The changes to our lives that they have managed to achieve in a year and a half is astounding and these cnts are just getting started.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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if it doesn't match the fear narrative its deemed ( fake news or a conspiracy) truth is all bs will come out eventually .
You can't take jabs back out once their in!🤔.......
I live in the middle of nowhere I'll wait and see what develops. ✌🏻

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Yep, it's been known for a while now that those vaccinated can still get it and pass it on to other's.

Well done, China. *slow clap*
They can still die as well the dirty unwashed vaccinated stnuc, strutting around like they have no problems
and passing it on to everyone else (y)

Think we should lock the cunts up permanently 😂


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He raised many of good points, great ideology as well. But one thing he didn't touch on is how incredibly stupid some of his fellow mankind can be that can't comprehend what the fuck he just said, which is why the gov to some extent have to try and thrash its message to its populous.

Don't fall into the trap of underestimating the sheer stupidity of some..
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