The Dwarf Hermie King
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- 17
You said Hong Kong riots were funded by the US that's all. That is an utter load of shit!!In 1976 China was the poorest country in the world.
Man, have they turned things around.
Heres a few examples for the resident racists to get more riled up about.
Except the Possessed One. She doesn't count.
Pretty impressive, eh??
World’s first modular mini-reactor to be built in China
World’s first modular mini-reactor to be built in Chinawww.rt.com
Chinese achieve new milestone with 56 qubit computer
A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in China, working at the University of Science and Technology of China, has achieved another milestone in the development of a usable quantum computer. The group has written a paper describing its latest efforts and have uploaded it to...phys.org
Those are things the yanks have been working on for years, to no avail.
I wonder who the Chinese copy when doing things no one else has done before...??
Here, on the other hand, are things the yanks are ahead in... but not by much anymore. The speed with which China is catching up, given my first sentence, is incredible.
China's Mars rover starts roaming the Red Planet
China's Mars rover drove from its landing platform and began exploring the surface on Saturday, state-run Xinhua news agency said, making the country only the second nation to land and operate a rover on the Red Planet.phys.org
When the International Space Station was being designed, China wanted to be a part of it. The US refused, blocking them, so China built their own...
It has to be noted that China hasn't fired a bullet on foreign soil in over 40 years, yet the news is constantly talking about Chinese aggression.
They have one military base beyond their borders.
The US has over 800, yet the media keeps telling you how aggressive they are. Then you donkey's repeat it as gospel( except the Possessed One. Aint no Gospel in her!)
Porky, I answered your repeated vague "trip me up" questions re HK you kept banging on about, but I see you have now decided its not that important any more... lol.
Happy to debate you anytime, sonny.
Just make sure yr mom's around to help you.
Still haven't answered what your expert opinion is on the way the Chinese are trying to claim Taiwan as their own.
Yeah my mother not "mom" funny you use the American spelling would know a shit load more than you about any subject not just China.