The Wuhan virus 🦠

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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no point I merely asked how many died , so I guess human life was my point .
Chinese lives Chinese project , were not talking Anzac and vietnam.
You seem pretty keen on Chinese communists party propaganda by the look of it .
Most here are not .✌🏻

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HPS turncoat
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Probably built with stolen Intellectual Property, as they do with everything else, literally everything that is made in China is copied n sold at 1 tenth the price with cheap shitty like for like parts!



The Dwarf Hermie King
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Maglev = magnetic Levitation.

There are no tracks, meaning no idiot involvement. Floats on a cushion of air...rather clever, eh.
The Germans invented mag Lev technology. So yeah @Bomber that is not a Chinese invention. Wrong again, seems to quite common for you mate.
Maybe head back to the CCP website for some more false information. 🤣🤣


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Not as many as the number of Aus soldiers who died in vain in Afghanistan after we invaded it.

Whats your point?
You still haven't answered my question about Hong Kong.
Do you think what the Chinese are doing there is fair and just??
The same question goes for there attempts to claim Taiwan as there own??


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Maglev = magnetic Levitation.

There are no tracks, meaning no idiot involvement. Floats on a cushion of air...rather clever, eh.
Oh mag Lev trains run on a single centre track as you can see in the picture. 🤣
Fucking wrong again mate. 🤪


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Not as many as the number of Aus soldiers who died in vain in Afghanistan after we invaded it.

Whats your point?
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I missed this post.
Well you would think more people died in a war than making a train but after watching those videos from Gazza I'm not so sure. 😂😂😂


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Well bomber , who the fuck are you ?

Don't think you going to find anyone here to further your cause , I think that's why you ate here maybe get a recruit or 2 ?

Your values don't fit in with Aussie , so why come here

or are you in China or somewhere similar?


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As a footnote

Had a call yesterday from my local quack

If I hadn't been already had vaccination they can do it today ,

Well to be honest it caught me by surprise, so I made the appointment for today

Knowing I had up to the time she put the needle in to pull out

Reason I made it so quick after call was exactly that , didn't want time to dwell on it

In the end I decided it couldn't hurt , hopefully, I'll keep you keep guys informed if I do have any dramas


The man your mother warned you about.
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where the nano particles in the phizer vaccine end up..
Other vaccines will be similar..
pretty scary shit in this vid.



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where the nano particles in the phizer vaccine end up..
Other vaccines will be similar..
pretty scary shit in this vid.

Very scary Sedge, I've seen a few videos coming out the last week or so that are saying same or very similar issues. Going to be some interesting times ahead in the next few years as the effects emerge.


The man your mother warned you about.
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if anyone plans to not take the vax then I’d recommend stocking up on food and essentials cos your movement will be restricted ,if not stopped completely,
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