The Wuhan virus 🦠


Forum Pisshead
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@Bomber, that was nasty ? Fucking hardly, me a caffa, fuck no I’m way worse than that lol.

To be clear I can’t stand the ccp and what they stand for, just a modern day nazi party.

I’m happy to fight and die for Australia the best country in the world eva looking forward to sticking my steel cap work boot right up some wolf warrior arse, that’s some grade 6 shit right there bomber.

At least we are free and safe to an extent, I’ll be fucked if any cunt try’s to take that away from us.

I’ve worked with a few Chinese people unfortunately, dumb as dog shit, makes sense why they need to breed so many of the slannty eyed cunts.

Actually I’ll try find a favorite video of mine it’s a Chinese work place accident with a forklift. They overload the forklift and the back wheels start to lift off the ground, so the smart Chinese workers jump on the back of it. Can u guess what happens next???

It’s a very happy ending 🤣

Love u long time 🤣

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Nah the logic is that it's quite obvious what the Chinese people think of us by their actions towards us. They think we're nothing compared to them as you can see in the videos I put up and countless other news pieces or videos the list just goes on.
My mummy lived there from 2011 to 2018.
She still speaks with some of them today as she considers them friends.

So you've been to China a good for you. I'll fucking bet ya haven't spent 7 years there so your opinion doesn't mean shit to me.
As for Hong Kong a good friend of mine is a pilot for Cathay Pacific and had lived there since 2004 and is now in the process of selling his unit because he will never return now the Chinese have destroyed the place.
I'm sure you'd know more about the geo political situation in HK than him as well yeah bomber??

You seem to have a real air of superiority don't you.
So what do you think of how the Chinese have taken over HK??
You think the people of HK like what's happening to them. You should know you've been there after all.
I disagreed with your dumb, racist, bigoted comments.

Quite frankly, you and your crony and the lower case christian should be fucking ashamed.

Your anecdotal evidence, from ya mom and some random pilot is noted.

Now run along, killa.

I hear mummy has more Tales from China to share....


User ID
Well bomber its fairly obvious why you just escaped with your life

Kaffir , hey , that you imply this proves you are truly a racist of the worst kind


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
I disagreed with your dumb, racist, bigoted comments.

Quite frankly, you and your crony and the lower case christian should be fucking ashamed.

Your anecdotal evidence, from ya mom and some random pilot is noted.

Now run along, killa.

I hear mummy has more Tales from China to share....
You can bow at the feet of ya gook over lords all ya like.
I think the Chinese are a subversive race of scum.
People who have spent a combined time of almost 20 years in the 2 countries know a shit load more about the political situation than you ever will with a couple of trips over there.
You can pretend you know all about how the poor little Chinese are being picked on by us horrible racist westerners with a few little graphs and some regurgitated news articles.

Their blatant disregard for the people of HK is on display for the world to see.
They would happily do just the same to us if not worse given the chance.
Suck up panderers like you might fare a little better. 🤣

Michael J Foxtail

The botrytis bin possum
User ID
I disagreed with your dumb, racist, bigoted comments.

Quite frankly, you and your crony and the lower case christian should be fucking ashamed.

Your anecdotal evidence, from ya mom and some random pilot is noted.

Now run along, killa.

I hear mummy has more Tales from China to share....
I'm not getting involved but that was pretty funny!


Forum Pisshead
User ID
I was thinking about all the people that moved from Melbourne to nsw to escape lockdowns, bet they are fucking spewing now 🤣

Only a matter of time before it’s here again tho only need one dc to fuck it up for everyone else.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
Community Member
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The lies are more dangerous than the virus!
watching a huge live sporting event in USA yesterday With thousands of people , NO one had a mask? ✌🏻


User ID
You can bow at the feet of ya gook over lords all ya like.
I think the Chinese are a subversive race of scum.
Listen, if you are getting all this ridiculous propaganda about China from mummy, she’s telling porky porkies…
The HK riots were financed by the US who is about to lose its position of Number One Economy In the world to your friend. It had nothing to do with the vast majority of HKers who did not support the violence. The restraint by the police forces there was incredible.
Why that should worry you, other than due to the lies spewed by mum, is beyond me, other than that box sitting in the corner of your lounge room that is telling you to…
You clearly don’t have any idea what’s actually going on.
It’s that “ empty vessels make most noise “ thing with you, sprinkled with a big dollop of racism and lots of childish name calling.

How old are you sonny??

It always amazes me when fools say China is evil…how can evil bring increases in wealth, education, life expectancy and gender equality to 1,400,000,000 people?
And all at the expense of no one else, unlike the US and the UK who become great powers due to colonialism and slavery, trodding on other countries to get there.
Has China done that?!!!
Or how about lifting 800 million people out of poverty in 40 years?

Then on the other side you have the US, the one you think is great, currently bombing 7 countries on a daily basis, whilst China, who hasn’t fired a single bullet abroad in 40 years, you see as an aggressor…

Your sinophobia?

Now that’s evil.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Listen, if you are getting all this ridiculous propaganda about China from mummy, she’s telling porky porkies…
The HK riots were financed by the US who is about to lose its position of Number One Economy In the world to your friend. It had nothing to do with the vast majority of HKers who did not support the violence. The restraint by the police forces there was incredible.
Why that should worry you, other than due to the lies spewed by mum, is beyond me, other than that box sitting in the corner of your lounge room that is telling you to…
You clearly don’t have any idea what’s actually going on.
It’s that “ empty vessels make most noise “ thing with you, sprinkled with a big dollop of racism and lots of childish name calling.

How old are you sonny??

It always amazes me when fools say China is evil…how can evil bring increases in wealth, education, life expectancy and gender equality to 1,400,000,000 people?
And all at the expense of no one else, unlike the US and the UK who become great powers due to colonialism and slavery, trodding on other countries to get there.
Has China done that?!!!
Or how about lifting 800 million people out of poverty in 40 years?

Then on the other side you have the US, the one you think is great, currently bombing 7 countries on a daily basis, whilst China, who hasn’t fired a single bullet abroad in 40 years, you see as an aggressor…

Your sinophobia?

Now that’s evil.
You spend far to much time reading the CCP website. 🤣
The HK riots were funded by the US, corona virus didn't start in China, Everyone the world over is doing great because of China, they have lifted millions from poverty and they are just all round awesome people.
Fuck do you actually work for the Chinese government because all this blatant bullshit your spewing is only supported by the CCP.

As for you knowing more about China and HK than people who who have lived there and trying to mock me because of it I find absolutely classic. 😂
So @Bomber being the Chinese diplomatic scholar you consider your self how about you tell us all how much time you have spent in your treasured China and HK.
How old am I, so you consider you opinion superior because your old do you??
Don't try to patronise me.
Maybe you should toddler of and check the CCP website for some updates of how great they consider themselves and regurgitate them on here for us all to laugh at because your blind love of a race of people that consider you inferior to them is hilarious. 🤣🤣

Michael J Foxtail

The botrytis bin possum
User ID
Listen, if you are getting all this ridiculous propaganda about China from mummy, she’s telling porky porkies…
The HK riots were financed by the US who is about to lose its position of Number One Economy In the world to your friend. It had nothing to do with the vast majority of HKers who did not support the violence. The restraint by the police forces there was incredible.
Why that should worry you, other than due to the lies spewed by mum, is beyond me, other than that box sitting in the corner of your lounge room that is telling you to…
You clearly don’t have any idea what’s actually going on.
It’s that “ empty vessels make most noise “ thing with you, sprinkled with a big dollop of racism and lots of childish name calling.

How old are you sonny??

It always amazes me when fools say China is evil…how can evil bring increases in wealth, education, life expectancy and gender equality to 1,400,000,000 people?
And all at the expense of no one else, unlike the US and the UK who become great powers due to colonialism and slavery, trodding on other countries to get there.
Has China done that?!!!
Or how about lifting 800 million people out of poverty in 40 years?

Then on the other side you have the US, the one you think is great, currently bombing 7 countries on a daily basis, whilst China, who hasn’t fired a single bullet abroad in 40 years, you see as an aggressor…

Your sinophobia?

Now that’s evil.
China has more than enough head to cull half starve a quarter and still generate number one status.
Their system is fueled by fear of death and over generations a brainwash effect has given endless power to the family.
We are what we are through a given choice to be what we want.
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