The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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News feed says we're all in grave danger until vaccinated.
But doesn't say we've got many tens of thousands too many vacs already.
In the start of this were told ( most will recover no problem.)?
So the least trusted vax goes to the over 50 s and gifted to other countries.
Government fucked up buying them!
It's alright the bar will never dry out at parliment house.🍺🍹🍸🍷🍻

Joe Dirte

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You guys make me feel like a young puppy 😂
Vaccine passports interstate border control measures, what a joke!! Fair enough international border control measures but interstate...what a joke.
I was raised as a free thinking unvaccinated child and so are my kids. I hate to think what the future has install for us as a family!! I don't care if someone wants to go get a vaccine for a disease, go right ahead but to force medications upon others is not ok in my opinion. If the vaccines are so effective why are vaccinated people so scared of people that haven't had a jab, like we have got fucking aids or some shit.
They shouldn't call vaccines immunisations any more, Bec cause they don't make you immune from nothing, most have a two year efficacy at best, than you need a booster shot to keep 'up to date'.
This is what they want, vaccinated humans from birth to death, one big life long cash cow!! They don't care about our health if the govt did they would make junk food illegal and support more good initiatives likes organic growers.
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Joe Dirte

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Just wanted to add that I have absolutely no judgement at all towards people who vaccinate themselves or children. It is one of the hardest decision I've had to make as an adult with kids. The science on the great debate is so divisive and we really felt better studies need to be done around vaccines and significantly the effects of giving a child 0-12yrs old 56 doses (some jabs are combination shots of two and threes) of different vaccines. 30 years ago they recommended about 12 different jabs.
The world of vaccines and diseases is a crazy thing to investigate and claim absolutely not to be an expert, just a tough decision we have made for our kids on gut feeling and from the science of both sides of the debate


The man your mother warned you about.
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So now it’s back in Melb and Bendigo ..but people from there are free to travel to other regional towns .wtf.

be a rush on for arse wipe again I suppose..
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