The Dwarf Hermie King
- User ID
- 17
Sorry what vaccines have the Chinese given these countries because last time I checked they don’t have an effective one.Your idea of quoting from a biased Manila newspaper which you peddled as proof got the most laughs, I'd imagine.
Thats also the second time you've misquoted me.
Its a desperate look or your comprehension skills are atrocious. Not sure which.
When are we gonna talk about the Genocide of the Uyghurs that America keeps banging on about, that no-one has any concrete evidence of?? Those concentration camps no one can find?
And don't forget fellas, for the US to try and keep a hold of its Global power, it has to contain China. Hence the 400 military bases surrounding it.
How do the 400 bases sit with you and your BullyMeter, Pedro??
Are you selectively worried about bullying??
Or are all bullies bad?
The problem for America ( and us, doing americas bidding and paying a heavy price economically) is it will be impossible to stop China as we find ourself in a unipolar world now, not the Cold War world of before, with China the EU's biggest import partner, with lots of friends now.
Shortly it will become the worlds largest economy.
Australia? Unlike Europe, on the other side of the planet, we've decided we are going to fight with China, our largest export partner, because sadly, we are not allowed to to do anything that isn't in lockstep with America. We are their lackeys.
We do as we are told.
Our bully friend makes sure of that.
Isn't that ironic, Pedro.
You support the very thing you say you are against.
Of course they would have. They've been invading all over, haven't they? No reason why they'd stop when they got to us, is there??!!!!
Are you quoting Pauline Hanson? She's probably not the the best choice, mate.
Heres a map of the world where China has given free C19 vaccines to poorer countries in need.
The only other country that can compare its kindness to China is Cuba, another of America's enemies, surprise, surprise, who sent over 2,000 doctors around the globe to fight covid.
America, that light on the hill, that Defender of Democracy??
They cant even look after themselves, let alone help other countries. 500K dead and counting.
Is it any wonder America hates China?
They are running rings round them.
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I’ll bet that for their piss poor vaccines they have been given free rain over their resources.
Do honestly think there giving these countries vaccines just because there good blokes.