The Wuhan virus 🦠


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I'm not a fan of either party but maybe Biden's organisers and supporters are smart enough to social distance and not spread the virus.

Whereas Trump's minions crowd around with no fear because their God says the virus isn't serious, while the numbers keep climbing.

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Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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I'm not a fan of either party but maybe Biden's organisers and supporters are smart enough to social distance and not spread the virus.

Whereas Trump's minions crowd around with no fear because their God says the virus isn't serious, while the numbers keep climbing.
what about all the deranged lefty BLM supporters
no "social" distancing and wrecking the joint
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Yeah those people are fucked. Trashing stuff just for the sake of it.

I can't believe they let Portland go on for so long.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Fuck me DC do you realise all this shit you put up is just lies and misinformation.
Probably not cause you would be stupid enough to actually think it’s facts.
You really are an idiot.
Yeah yeah sure it is, don't you believe the NZ government ??


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Do you all get the sense this whole Corona 19-84 bollocks is looking more and more like a bunch of PR on TV rather than the balanced news society requires to make its own informed decisions?

Like they are now selling us the idea. Infomercial style.

Not too long ago we counted deaths to highlight how BAAAAD this thing we count the number of cases, cos hardly anyone here is dying of it.


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By definition a PANDEMIC results in high mortality rates.

This is clocking in at over 99% survival rate, should you contract it, so it aint no fukcin pandemic now, is it, yet they insist on the use of the term to install fear into the vast majority of us.

Certainly begs the question why the fear mongering ?

Whilst I find it hard to grasp wtf is actually going on, there's definitely something at play here....


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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in 3 seconds ..... title of ya sex tape :ROFLMAO:


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I don't need to provide evidence because it's not hard to find at all, in 3 seconds.

I think you'll find that the vast majority of pandemics in history did indeed result in high mortality rates.

Or, show me why I am wrong. I'd be only too happy to learn something from you.

After all, It'll only take ya 3 seconds to whip out that evidence you can't be arsed producing, matey.

Screen Shot 2020-10-28 at 3.34.03 pm.png
PS. I think if you've got spots on it, you should go to the doctor, not to town.


Resident Celebrity
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I think you'll find that the vast majority of pandemics in history did indeed result in high mortality rates.

Or, show me why I am wrong. I'd be only too happy to learn something from you.

Just because something has happened in the past a number of times, doesn't change the definition of the word. There can be pandemics that don't cause mass death rates compared to infection rates.

I mean, even your picture there shows it. Only 9.6% of people infected with SARS died and only 8,000 people caught it. That's 0.0000012% of the world population that died. I wouldn't call that high.

Whereas Corona has killed 0.00015% of the global population, and infected 0.056% of them.

PS. I think if you've got spots on it, you should go to the doctor, not to town.

Nah, that was a joke about the size of my penis, if you've got a telescope I could show it to you.


The man your mother warned you about.
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Biden,,the long term bullshitter.
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