The Wuhan virus 🦠


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Starting to look more and more like a economic experiment?
Wipe out all small business, major monopolies for ultra rich
Wipe out countries and economies across the globe
No travel os?
Sounds like a movie not real life

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Now your starting to see what's going on sister Mary and it Has little to do with any supposed virus !
It is a experiment to see how much the populace will tolerate!
You can't have "order" unless you create kaos first!
All in plain site !
Wake the fuck up all! ✌🏻


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Been saying that from the word go
Laws that never would have been tolerated , now the critical mass of thinking has been changed the public endorsement of those laws is now a reality
The general joe can't fight back , groups aren't allowed
They already have dis armed us


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Has anyone else heard about "long covid"
Was listening to a scientist on the ABC
She was saying that long coved attacks the parts of the brain that control heart and lungs ,there was another thing I can't remember,
Even though you don't test positive the damage is done ,she said that there is nothing they can do
You will eventually die from respiratory or heart problems, not from covid
She also suggested it has evolved, fortunately no public infections of this strain of covid in Australia at this time
USA , Europe including Britain this is a real threat
I was away with a Irish mate who's son has it in Ireland
I heard the conversation and he is in real pain , hospitalised and there is real fears for his life
So even though IMO this is some sort of conspiracy,the threat of infection is real she also suggested that medical staff including nurses doctors etc and teachers are at a real risk of catching long covid because they have no idea how its spreading
Maybe Kampuchea is something that might be on the agenda , not for 1 country but all countries
Remember the United Nations endorsed Pol Pot years after he was exiled
Australia was 1 of these countries

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
Community Member
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If you check the world news you have similar scenarios acting out elsewhere!
Trying to suppress us and lock us up!
Because a small handful of people have a type of flu?
This is getting blown well out of the realms of any sort of common sense
Meanwhile small to medium business crumble and the lines for unemployment become ever Longer!
Yet the common folk still slumber.......
We've become a nation of sleepwalkers and Nancy boys!
God help us all✌🏻


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Yeah mate I hear you
On another note whether its connected or not who knows but there have been UFO and USO caught on film recently with confirmed evidence so there's something happening world wide
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