The Wuhan virus 🦠

Michael J Foxtail

The botrytis bin possum
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not sure I agree with the non Vax restrictions.. tough one.
Yeah I can't find info on why it's jumped from 3 weeks to 12months after unvaccinated covid positive to be able to get vaccinated. I'm worried for the cunts that have had it and then been vaxxed

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Did you get knocked around by the jabs at all mate? Or no symptoms?
My whole family had first jab, waiting for second one. Arm at site of needle was bit sore next day and we all felt tired for a day. Most people I've spoken to have little to mild reaction, like my family, But two people had very strong adverse reactions on the night of the jab. My dad's nursing home double vaccinated all 220 residents without a single significant incident.


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Going forward it's definitely gonna become vaccine resistant and we're fucked putting all our eggs in one basket with all these ones focused on non delta, also saw that people who caught sars from the outbreaks in the early 2000's were more likely to get less sick than with a vaccine but that could have been related to the first strains before delta as well.

Ganja Kaiser

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My whole family had first jab, waiting for second one. Arm at site of needle was bit sore next day and we all felt tired for a day. Most people I've spoken to have little to mild reaction, like my family, But two people had very strong adverse reactions on the night of the jab. My dad's nursing home double vaccinated all 220 residents without a single significant incident.
Thanks for sharing that mate.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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You vaccinated cunts deserve a medal

Well done lads, hope the Governments give you all a parade down the main street, never have so many done so much for the cause


Michael J Foxtail

The botrytis bin possum
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Have a family member who worked 15 years as big pharma sales rep.
He won't go near any big pharma meds , he tells me don't trust big pharma .
He's worked for them , I'm just the messenger✌🏻️
The first astra jab fucked my Mrs right up, she was in a bad way the next day. This chick up the rd was fit as fuck then day after first astra gets taken away in ambo at 43 degree body temp for nearly hr.
Both recovered and haven't contracted covid like their partners but.....


The man your mother warned you about.
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Let’s hope there ain’t any delayed long term reactions
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