The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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10% of Americans still believe the earth is flat.

Thats 30 million Americans 🤣🤣🤣
Any guesses who they voted for in 2024

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Johnny Walker

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Down, Down, prices are Down!!!!

Oops.....wrong theme music.
No they're not.

Under felons administration, inflation and prices are actually now going back UP.

Maybe the tariffs weren't such a good idea after all. 🤢

Thieving cunts hiding behind a political party.
The brethren were duped.

View attachment 57450

Good economic manager, right lads? 🤣🤣
Like lambs to the slaughter waiting in line to get fleeced. fElon has you just where he wants you. Obey !!
I really hope their prices go sky high.
Teach to fools a lesson for voting for such a parasite.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Would be good to see RFK lock Fauchi up for ever!
Though probably just some b.s lip service propaganda.
RFK is a heroin addict in recovery.
He still attends daily meetings of the 12 step recovery program

He openly claims that " heroin has bolstered his academic ability. "

He said so right here:

I don't agree to inject our children with heroin, in order to bolster their academic ability. It's quite insane really.

There's lots of other ways to become smarter, but injecting heroin into the arms of our school kids isn't one of them .

When I was a school kid, we were given daily free milk rations at school
I know times have changed and its 2025.
But Im still not comfortable with supporting daily injections of heroin into our school children's arms, to make them smarter. Call me old fashioned .

Bu It appears Im in staunch agreement with Mitch McConnell who openly stated that " rfk is unfit" for that office.

Sun Ra

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RFK is a heroin addict in recovery.
He still attends daily meetings of the 12 step recovery program

He openly claims that " heroin has bolstered his academic ability. "

He said so right here:

I don't agree to inject our children with heroin, in order to bolster their academic ability. It's quite insane really.

There's lots of other ways to become smarter, but injecting heroin into the arms of our school kids isn't one of them .

When I was a school kid, we were given daily free milk rations at school
I know times have changed and its 2025.
But Im still not comfortable with supporting daily injections of heroin into our school children's arms, to make them smarter. Call me old fashioned .

Bu It appears Im in staunch agreement with Mitch McConnell who openly stated that " rfk is unfit" for that office.
Isn't he also on record for picking up and taking home roadkill - including a young bear and eating it. 🤮
Waste not, want not I guess.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Not 1 single instance of fraud found by Elon
No corruption found
Just Programs Elon doesn't support

Fraud and/or corruption are criminal offences. Not 1 criminal charge has been laid, despite spending DOGE WASTING $240M so far, for a publicly stunt.


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That’s not the point Foxy.
We’re witnessing the privatisation of US government.
The next step?
Don’t fear the Cold War superpowers. Be very aware of global corporations with robot army’s.
Huge shift underway in the global zeitgeist.


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Years ago I saw a “clip” from a weapons conference.
Whether it’s, true, pipe dream or fantasy, it reflects the mindset.
He was talking about drone swarms, horse fly size, small explosive charge, AI facial biometrics, that would identify such traits, attach to the skull and detonate.
It all starts with a light bulb moment.

Sun Ra

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That’s not the point Foxy.
We’re witnessing the privatisation of US government.
The next step?
Don’t fear the Cold War superpowers. Be very aware of global corporations with robot army’s.
Huge shift underway in the global zeitgeist.
Just like how Putin has used private militias as well as the USA using private mercenaries for Black Ops. This will happen more. As far as the "privatisation" of the US public service goes - yep Musk and his tech bros will make a mint out of all this. The right have had this agenda for some time now - even here.

The Libs/Nats in their last 9 years "governing" laid off heaps of public servants via redundancy packages - people with large corporate memories and highly skilled, and replaced them with non-ongoing private "consultants" which actually cost the government more - and lead to shit shows like Robodebt.

Labor has tried to wind this back and hired public servants and gotten rid of / cut back on consultants. It's cheaper and more stuff gets done. Media doesn't report well on this and the public are too dumb to see it. Dutton now says he wants to sack 36K public servants, although he of course won't say who or where cuts will be until after the election. Back to the consultants gravy train.


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Just like how Putin has used private militias as well as the USA using private mercenaries for Black Ops. This will happen more. As far as the "privatisation" of the US public service goes - yep Musk and his tech bros will make a mint out of all this. The right have had this agenda for some time now - even here.

The Libs/Nats in their last 9 years "governing" laid off heaps of public servants via redundancy packages - people with large corporate memories and highly skilled, and replaced them with non-ongoing private "consultants" which actually cost the government more - and lead to shit shows like Robodebt.

Labor has tried to wind this back and hired public servants and gotten rid of / cut back on consultants. It's cheaper and more stuff gets done. Media doesn't report well on this and the public are too dumb to see it. Dutton now says he wants to sack 36K public servants, although he of course won't say who or where cuts will be until after the election. Back to the consultants gravy train.
exactly right about the consultancy and public servants, public servants are trained to do their job and paid properly, where as consults bring in cheap ass labor, under qualified, some that worked for services australia/centrelink even had criminal records of fraud, grossly inexperienced yet the consults charged such markup on their services it was more expensive than hiring a public servant but the consults workers were paid a pittance. such a disgusting way to run a government service, which they want to privatize anyway


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But think of the economy (NAIRU - RBA).
We need to add 30-40 000 to the unemployed heap, it’ll help the mortgagees.
At least lots here already have tents in case they become homeless.
Locally can the RBA hold out cutting interest rates till Dutton arrives? They have form.

Sun Ra

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exactly right about the consultancy and public servants, public servants are trained to do their job and paid properly, where as consults bring in cheap ass labor, under qualified, some that worked for services australia/centrelink even had criminal records of fraud, grossly inexperienced yet the consults charged such markup on their services it was more expensive than hiring a public servant but the consults workers were paid a pittance. such a disgusting way to run a government service, which they want to privatize anyway
An oldie but a goody ....... I have seen firsthand some of the absolute fuckwits who Serco employed ......
criminal records aplenty too.

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