The Random Discussion / Argument Thread


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But Woolworths are still a shareholder ? Are they still shareholders Rezza or fucking not
Yeah 9% as opposed to their previous 85% and in decline. There’s a difference between holding shares vs being in control of a business as well. Bruce “the pokie king” Mathieson owns 15% and Australian super owns 8.7% so have almost as much sway as kWoolworths (or in Bruce’s case almost double the influence)

It’d be more correct to call it Bruce’s company than Woolworths’s

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But Woolworths are still a shareholder ? Are they still shareholders Rezza or fucking not
Yeah 9% as opposed to their previous 85% and in decline. There’s a difference between holding shares vs being in control of a business as well. Bruce “the pokie king” Mathieson owns 15% and Australian super owns 8.7% so have almost as much sway as Woolworths (or in Bruce Mathiesons case almost double the influence)

It’d be more correct to call it Bruce’s company than Woolworths’s

Sun Ra

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Yes that sloth must be a fan of Douglas Adams and towels, and their importance for interstellar travelers.
My totem species.
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