The great green ripoff


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Hi guys and gals.
I'm in North Queensland and have recently joined your forum.
I am disturbed by the widespread extortion by seed banks with single pips seen at 400 dollars.
This is not and never has been in spirit of our God given herb.
I want to be at the forefront of the changes in our country in the near future by offering a good product at fair prices.
We the father's of this industry have seemingly been left out of the new business with multi national entrepreneurs controlling the industry in out country.I read that one farm in Queensland will produce 500 t this year alone while we are treated like criminals for minor possession still.
I would appreciate any feedback and support on changing this in the near future .Happy days Amigos.

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Hi guys and gals.
I'm in North Queensland and have recently joined your forum.
I am disturbed by the widespread extortion by seed banks with single pips seen at 400 dollars.
This is not and never has been in spirit of our God given herb.
I want to be at the forefront of the changes in our country in the near future by offering a good product at fair prices.
We the father's of this industry have seemingly been left out of the new business with multi national entrepreneurs controlling the industry in out country.I read that one farm in Queensland will produce 500 t this year alone while we are treated like criminals for minor possession still.
I would appreciate any feedback and support on changing this in the near future .Happy days Amigos.
Welcome Cheech. What are your plans for offering a product in Aus. ( assuming you're talking about seeds)??? Plenty of backyard pollen chuckers around.


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If you're going to go commercial do us all a favour and stress test both the males and females used.
Too much water
Not enough water
Too strong nutes
Weak nutes
Interruption of the night on a regular basis
Seriously abusing the plants by cutting them right back multiple times to simulate animal attacks
The more factors you account for to ensure a separation of the genders will ensure that your seeds are noob friendly.

Also if you really want to stick it to the man give the seeds out freely and send each person 5 packs of everything on the condition they give them out to their friends for free too. This will limit your postage expenses and the distributed model will make it impossible to stop the seeds from doing the rounds. Customs are getting really good at seed detection on the border and haven't yet put their machines on domestic routes, at least to my knowledge anyway, so if a fair few of us act that way we can make all their efforts pointless by flooding the nation with amazing genetics from within.


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If you're going to go commercial do us all a favour and stress test both the males and females used.
Too much water
Not enough water
Too strong nutes
Weak nutes
Interruption of the night on a regular basis
Seriously abusing the plants by cutting them right back multiple times to simulate animal attacks
The more factors you account for to ensure a separation of the genders will ensure that your seeds are noob friendly.

Also if you really want to stick it to the man give the seeds out freely and send each person 5 packs of everything on the condition they give them out to their friends for free too. This will limit your postage expenses and the distributed model will make it impossible to stop the seeds from doing the rounds. Customs are getting really good at seed detection on the border and haven't yet put their machines on domestic routes, at least to my knowledge anyway, so if a fair few of us act that way we can make all their efforts pointless by flooding the nation with amazing genetics from within.
Hi Seeded agree totally but fair compensation for ones effort would be fine not the $30 plus per seed we get charged by these to hear if anyone has some true old Aussie genetics derived from seed like Buddha Thai stick Acapulco etc from the 70s.
I see many seed banks advertising Aussie details but are all based Over seas.


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Welcome Cheech. What are your plans for offering a product in Aus. ( assuming you're talking about seeds)??? Plenty of backyard pollen chuckers around.
Hi Fox.
Like to source source some olds time strains that were kicking around 70 an 80s and see if we could establish something we could claim as our own Aussie pedigree.I am interested in creating a Durban cross with Kush or Afghani also.
Restricted by availability ATM.


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Like to source source some olds time strains that were kicking around 70 an 80s

I remember a legendary strain called 'Buddha' perhaps sometimes called Thai Buddha and you'd hear people talking about the time they smoked it as if they were telling their war stories.



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the widespread extortion by seed banks with single pips seen at 400 dollars.

It's not extortion, it's not a necessity to have that particular product and you can choose to buy alternatives at a cheaper price.
It's a result of supply and demand. They wouldn't be selling $400 seeds if nobody is prepared to pay that price.

If you want to make serious coin, forget cannabis, there's big money to be made from indoor plants. I've heard someone pay $2,000 for a cutting but how's this monstera going for $14,022.14?

Exquisite Rare Variegated Monstera Borsigiana Albo!

Can you make money from propagating and selling rare indoor plants?

Then there's selling rare cactii to cactophiles, a peyote cactus will take you 5 years to grow to the size of a ten cent piece; the collectors buy them to admire, not to consume.

Hamilton goes into this in the first few minutes.

Peyote: The Divine Messenger

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My peyotes will be consumed. But not for another 10 years 😂

Be sure to share the seeds, I'm sure the cactus world applauds your efforts in keeping this breed from extinction; they're getting extremely rare in their natural habitats.

We can't imagine all the weird and wonderful plants that we've lost over the centuries, long before we had seed banks and botanists studying how to propagate and keep the species alive. Slow growing plants, in great demand, isolated to specific regions with just the right growing conditions, would've been consumed to extinction.



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It's not extortion, it's not a necessity to have that particular product and you can choose to buy alternatives at a cheaper price.
It's a result of supply and demand. They wouldn't be selling $400 seeds if nobody is prepared to pay that price.

If you want to make serious coin, forget cannabis, there's big money to be made from indoor plants. I've heard someone pay $2,000 for a cutting but how's this monstera going for $14,022.14?

Exquisite Rare Variegated Monstera Borsigiana Albo!

Can you make money from propagating and selling rare indoor plants?

Then there's selling rare cactii to cactophiles, a peyote cactus will take you 5 years to grow to the size of a ten cent piece; the collectors buy them to admire, not to consume.

Hamilton goes into this in the first few minutes.

Peyote: The Divine Messenger



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I have been involved with this business for quite awhile it's diss a pointing to see it go this way but using your theory it's ok for big pharma to mark up medicine in the same way..
I am not into tripping out on mush or cacti but feel the monsteras offered at 14k could be the same people ruining the cannabis industry.
The Plandemic has certainly changed people in the last couple of years and there is worse to come with the price of everything going through the roof in the new world normal.


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it's ok for big pharma to mark up medicine in the same way.

It's different to what I was saying as there are alternatives to the exotic strains at cheaper prices.

I feel that's not okay what Big Pharma are doing, especially if a company has the only medication for a disease and is taking advantage of the sick who have no alternative, while the co. boasts about their record profits.

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Hi Seeded agree totally but fair compensation for ones effort would be fine not the $30 plus per seed we get charged by these to hear if anyone has some true old Aussie genetics derived from seed like Buddha Thai stick Acapulco etc from the 70s.
I see many seed banks advertising Aussie details but are all based Over seas.
I wish I had some seeds from the old Thai stick. Having said that, I have what I think are landrace Thai, Indian, and Laos, some bought, some gifted. In recent times I have grown Laos and Ethiopian landrace, and currently have some never finishing Indian. I hope to pop some in the next year but it's a big commitment These strains flower upwards of 16 weeks and much more. Not many people are interested in growing them, let alone smoking them. The market is driven by fast producing multi hybrids with bag appeal. The old stuff has zero bag appeal to youngsters. In fact if there are pics online of the old stuff, most people call it shit (or schwag as the yanks call it). Most younger smokers want narcotic couchlock, not stimulating and trippy.

People should make their own seeds. Most stuff on the market is just multihybrids and is very easy to do. If you want to do real breeding you need to start with landrace and create proper f1's. There are a few companies that supply these like REal Seed Company, but you need to get that past customs.

There are the odd breeders working with older stock in Australia, even one guy in N QLD, but you need to get known before you can generally access it. Kangativa (on another site) worked with many old strains like Mullumbimby Madness until he got busted. Old Mother Sativa is one that used to get around the Northern rivers, NSW.

I agree though that seeds are a rip off. No one would dream of selling a seed back when I started.


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Thai is something definitely for the dedicated old school connoisseur/grower. Patients is key, but you'd be well rewarded for it. (y)

It'd bring much disappointment to Porky though. Highly susceptible to throwing the odd hermi.


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Not many people are interested in growing them, let alone smoking them. The market is driven by fast producing multi hybrids with bag appeal. The old stuff has zero bag appeal to youngsters.

When was the last time a youngster bought a three finger bag of leaf, leaf & tip or shake?


You have to give it away!



In what appears to have been a half-baked plan, three bags brimming with cannabis have been dumped on the side of a road on the NSW south coast with a sign advertising 'free dope'

Shoalhaven police posted pictures of the garbage bags and the sign, which said 'Free Dope. Smoke. Mull up' accompanied by a drawing of a cannabis leaf, on their Facebook page yesterday.

Officers inspected the bags and found 16 kilograms of cannabis leaf inside, police said.

A dopey idea: bags full of cannabis left on side of road



Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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Thai is something definitely for the dedicated old school connoisseur/grower. Patients is key, but you'd be well rewarded for it. (y)

It'd bring much disappointment to Porky though. Highly susceptible to throwing the odd hermi.
I made some seeds over the summer with a 1978 thai in the mix
all up it has 78thai x Nevilles haze x Mullumbimby madness X with a Malawi x Mozambique
Ive got 10 seedlings on the go at the moment to test them but should be an interesting grow .
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