
Goonie Goat

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I have another question about this situation your in with the fences? is that even legal fence back to back? I've never ever seen this before! what are the rules with your local council, it will screw with block sizes, normally both parties have to agree before hand don't they? That is what I've been told, I could be wrong!
Yeah it's pretty stupid. That whole side I chopped down and pulled the posts, so fuck them idiots. I'll just deal with it for now but you're right.

If I go asking them to extend to the boundary they'll expect me to fork out cash for what they paid. Plus all the colourbond posts are cemented in, so that's gonna cost a bit to fix i would imagine

So I'll just leave it be for now

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Yeah it's pretty stupid. That whole side I chopped down and pulled the posts, so fuck them idiots. I'll just deal with it for now but you're right.

If I go asking them to extend to the boundary they'll expect me to fork out cash for what they paid. Plus all the colourbond posts are cemented in, so that's gonna cost a bit to fix i would imagine

So I'll just leave it be for now
No fuck'em, they need to pay for that shit! you've been screwed dude.
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