So to put some context to why I would like the elite to contribute more. This is the NSW health minister saying the Government can't afford to pay nurses more in a country that has 47 billionaires.
Who have amassed between them hundreds of billions which if they were taxed at 35% would of probably been able to pay for the entire country's health system multiple times over.
This a story of a friend of a friend's son who died from NSWs under funded, under trained and under resourced medical system.
So yeah a bit of extra tax from some people who make fucking $67,000 an hour may have helped.
The most difficult sentence we have ever had to read has to have been “ The death of Kuan Brown was avoidable” , as it appeared in the Medical Examiner’s report.
But hay let's not "rail against" these people let's just accept the system as it is and learn how to "navigate it properly"
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