Severe weather approaching north Queensland and east coast.


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So I suppose Im really having a boomer moment over social media psychosis. Not weather forecasting haha.

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So I suppose Im really having a boomer moment over social media psychosis. Not weather forecasting haha.

I tend to agree with ya.

I’ve blocked that Higgins idiot. He is only interested in the subscriber coin like any social media forecaster, comes out swinging at any opportunity.

Still cannot believe schools and businesses closed based on a weather forecast. Cunts are rarely right!

In saying that, there are so many dumb fucks that went and stripped shelves of water, toilet paper, bread and necessities. I feel as a society in Australia our collective IQ is lowering rapidly and at inversely proportional rate to the population increase.


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Hows it going at the moment Queenslanders and Northern New South Welshpeople? Surely it should be kicking up by now?


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Eye hitting straddie about now and still only 15kph winds here with 30kph gusts. Still dry too. Odd cyclone. Banana bank only showing max gust of 90kph so far and 75kph sustained winds.


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Mate at Wynnum sitting around 30-40kph sustained wind speeds and 50kph gusts. No real rain there yet either. Looks like the south is Gunna cop it all. Cape Moreton still around 50kph winds.

Redlands and Moreton with 25 and 15mm rain today respectively, everything else negligible so far so hoping the rain holds off..


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My neighbours have stuck painters tape crosses over their windows.

The deserted looking place up the road have failed in their quest for sand bag usage, I was gonna snap a pic on the way past today but said person was installing said sand bags.

I’ll post pic in the morning.


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I've been driving around seeing if I can help out here and there and everyone is super pissed (even the same people suggesting I was some conspiracy theorist because I questioned the BOM status quo) lol. Haven't really seen any damage yet. It's still here, and pretty much everywhere I've went this morning and the rain has been mild around Brisbane.

Cant believe they shut shop weds night for this haha. Another one of those told you so moments where everyone was calling me names when I even considered there would be barely anything around Brisbane and that we might be okay.

The reality is that it wasn't about the cyclone at have the status quo, social media obsessed "how dare you question media or government" people and the other side who just looks out the window and reads reality. The issue is that us "look out the window" types absolutely terrify normies who would rather suck farts from news and government reps. This is nothing new.

The amount of vitriol I received online for trying to reassure people that we would be okay was insane.


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seems like a lot of carry on for fuck all, north queensland gets worse and not a mention nationally
I used to build houses up north, there built for it , even the Yasi cat 5 only damaged 1000 houses. up north its all N5 class, which is good up to 266kmph.there all Besser Block with a core filled every 400mm that has a rio bar in the concrete with a hook on the bottom so it can't pull out, the rio then goes up the core to the top, then there is a bond beam over every door and window with the core beside each opening filled, then a 2 course bond beam around the top with roof ancors concreted in .So if we got the forecast 150 plus gusts here in Brisbane there would have been massive carnage, roofs and walls would of been missing everywhere, combine that with 2 million people. There is also only 130k ish houses in north Queensland as opposed to 750k odd in Brisbane alone not counting gold coast or Sunshine Coast. All buit to N2 class, that's why they were concerned all their insurance mates were sitting bricks 😆 I just built a new garage out the front, I looked at the engineers specs and laughed then over engineered the blockwall and filled it full with steel all through it. The engineer had it hollow, no starter bars and just a 2 course bond beam at the top for roof ancors, if the rest of Brisbane is engineered like that it would of been real bad even with winds only to 160
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Sun Ra

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How the hell does this happen ?

The Age - 7.36pm

‘Our ADF heroes were on their way to help Australians’: PM​

By Carrie Fellner​

Returning now to the incident involving an Australian Defence Force vehicle that rolled in northern NSW.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles said the incident was still ongoing but medical assistance was on hand.
“Our ADF heroes were on their way to help Australians in need,” they said.
“Right now our focus is on the welfare of those involved and their families.”


Up to 22 people were injured and at least two people became trapped when two vehicles crashed near the flood-hit town of Lismore.

Emergency services were called to Tregeagle, nine kilometres south of Lismore, just after 5pm on Saturday after receiving reports two ADF trucks had collided, police said.

Eighteen ambulance resources were deployed to the scene.

Nine News has reported that two ADF vehicles were travelling down Tregeagle Road when one of them rolled and the other also crashed.

According to the reports, eight of the personnel were seriously injured.
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