Ripped off stage 4 cancer newbie


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In a bit of a holding pattern due the flooding down south.

The imaging place ran out of imaging drugs and radioactive isotopes due the flooding down south. I am.

The cocktail of drugs they have me on is going though me like you know what through a goose but it does have the bleed controlled ...sorta.
Anyway I'm home and 'getting my affairs in order'....

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Well that sux mate , I really hope your not in too much pain?😐

I'd be proper fucked without the oil that's for sure.

I have access to the emergency department 000 if I start hemorraghing again. They managed to slow it down and they wanted to keep me admitted but crap here needs to get sorted like the dog and the poultry before anything else.
While I was in hospital my darling council came in with bobcats and skips and scraped my entire veggie garden along with mature 10 fruit trees down to dirt put them ina skip and took all my beautiful garden to the dump.
Apparently some arsehole complained my garden was an eyesore and that was the end of that.
They used the fact I was in hospital to completely destroy 10 years worth the work.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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I'd be proper fucked without the oil that's for sure.

I have access to the emergency department 000 if I start hemorraghing again. They managed to slow it down and they wanted to keep me admitted but crap here needs to get sorted like the dog and the poultry before anything else.
While I was in hospital my darling council came in with bobcats and skips and scraped my entire veggie garden along with mature 10 fruit trees down to dirt put them ina skip and took all my beautiful garden to the dump.
Apparently some arsehole complained my garden was an eyesore and that was the end of that.
They used the fact I was in hospital to completely destroy 10 years worth the work.
That's fucking bullshit they can't do that. Fuck I know your probably not in a position to do so but ide consider ringing a lawyer about that. They can't come onto private property and destroy shit and do that.


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Did the council have permission from the owner maybe? Even so, legally they would need to issue an entry notice.


Forum Pisshead
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What fucking bullshit council did that?

That’s a total disgrace, mate u might qualify for legal aid, I’d be taking to some one about that because them slimy money grabbing good for fuck all pack of useless cunts definitely can’t be doing that shit.

Fucking sue the cunts, just caused you more emotional stress and suffering and that’s the last thing you need in your life at this moment in time nah fuck them.


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or I can grow it myself..OR A FRIEND...yep...most def a friend. Not me. Never...ever....cause that's just plain wrong...and...and....against the law......*HUGE BREATH*......yeah...that. Boy I'm dizzy all of a sudden.o_O:ROFLMAO:...I think I need a nap. 🎑🤪
Legal, prescribed sources are far too expensive for most people. I just started making oil for my pain and insomnia. It's not that difficult. I live in a remote area so access to a decent solvent (I use isopropyl alcohol) is a pain. You can supply yourself with a small grow tent and lights - but it is all $ to set up and run. It's cheaper than a cannabis prescription though. I see you have an offer (Red Eye Hero) of some cannabis infused olive oil. That will get you started. Infused olive oil is easier to make than pure oil, might be worth a look.

If you have never used it before start sparingly.

afghan bob

Community Member
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Not so much on ure pat mate
Just a few statements that i dont understand in regards 2 QLD health
Irealize ppl in pain say things that really is pain talking
But 2 withold essential medical help based on religeous or ones belief in vaccination ideals is beyond me
Especially life threatening ordeals
Being a fellow cancer survivor, my heart goes out 2 green sick and her fam
Surely their are more viable treatments or alternative therapies that could be offered
Just having trouble making sense of it all


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Not so much on ure pat mate
Just a few statements that i dont understand in regards 2 QLD health
Irealize ppl in pain say things that really is pain talking
But 2 withold essential medical help based on religeous or ones belief in vaccination ideals is beyond me
Especially life threatening ordeals
Being a fellow cancer survivor, my heart goes out 2 green sick and her fam
Surely their are more viable treatments or alternative therapies that could be offered
Just having trouble making sense of it all
I see your point.


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Not so much on ure pat mate
Just a few statements that i dont understand in regards 2 QLD health
Irealize ppl in pain say things that really is pain talking
But 2 withold essential medical help based on religeous or ones belief in vaccination ideals is beyond me
Especially life threatening ordeals
Being a fellow cancer survivor, my heart goes out 2 green sick and her fam
Surely their are more viable treatments or alternative therapies that could be offered
Just having trouble making sense of it all

I know exactly what you mean but suddenly, presenting to the ED bleeding out and suddenly I'm golden and treatment is being provided!
You got to think there's some sort of dodgy politics happening.
Da fuk??
Three stinking months.....three months during which time I could have surgery..treatment anything.
How far has the cancer spread during those precious three months?

I did find and am taking alt treatments.
McMAP, flozican, changa, turmeric. I found a place on-line that sells 'pet' cbd oil.

I found out that the council had been in contact with my landlord the whole time.
He's the one who cut the padlocks off my gates and gave them the nod to destroy my garden.
No consultation with me from either parties.
The landlord does want to put the house on the market hence the reason why he wants to paint the house.
Thank goodness the destructo dog was being puppy sat by friends while I was in hospital.
She would have eaten them whole if they set foot in the yard.
She has no tolerance for strangers, cats, birds or butterflies coming into the yard without me.
Don't ask me why she has the beef with butterflies......she just does.
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😲 How does changa help? Aren't you trying to stay "in" your body (so to speak) ?
Chaga mushroom powder....sorry.

Oh my WORD!! I just googled that.
No wonder you were worried!
Sorry sweetheart...late afternoon and I'm not at my best and spelling has gone to shit.


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Hey mate I have a good supplier that makes a great cbd oil/thc mix. Critical sensi outdoor strain. I use it because of severe pain from injuries when I was younger. Plus its a decent price.

Kee Mao

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Call me a cynical cunt,many have. Having nearly 40 years experience as a front line health care worker,both in medical and psych something is a bit NQR here. We can be insensitive pricks at times,but not uncaring. I’m sorry ,but getting held down by orderlies for an involuntary vaccination is 5g shit. It just doesn’t happen,everything gets filtered from a legal perspectiv,and violating human rights can be a very expensive no no.
I get no joy from saying this. It’s just my spidey senses are tingling.

afghan bob

Community Member
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Yeah not sure where she got 2, been a few mths, hope all is good
She did make some kinda out there statements, but so do i
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